I am an Indian working in the private sector under a fixed contract period of two years. I am in Kuwait for the last 6 months and I have a good offer to join a different company. I want to resign from my current company, go back to India and then come back to Kuwait on the new visa.
The concern I have are
No. 1: Once I resign and serve my notice period do I have to pay any amount to the company?
No. 2: Will I be allowed to come back to Kuwait in this scenario?
No. 3: If I need to pay anything how would it be calculated and how much will it be?
Name withheld
Answer: You have a two-year fixed contract with the company and you are bound by law to respect the conditions as spelt out in the contract: Unless you have an exit clause embedded in the contract, you will be breaking the terms of the contract by quitting before the expiry of the two-year contract period. In this case the other party to the contract can demand monetary compensation for the remaining contract period which will be your monthly salary multiplied by the remaining months of the contract validity or as stipulated in the contract in case of breach.
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