Princess Charlotte’s casual yet regal 9th birthday portrait unveiled

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Kate Middleton captures Princess Charlotte’s birthday charm.

LONDON, May 2: The Kensington Palace has unveiled Princess Charlotte’s ninth birthday portrait, captured by her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Sporting a casual yet regal ensemble consisting of a red cardigan and denim skirt, Princess Charlotte exuded charm with her trademark cheeky grin. The young royal donned a £42 raspberry wool cardigan from the Parisian brand Cyrillus, radiating happiness for the camera.

Traditionally, Kensington Palace releases portraits of the royal children early in the morning to commemorate their birthdays. However, in a departure from the convention, Prince Louis’s birthday photo was shared last Tuesday afternoon instead of at midnight. Additionally, an unseen wedding photo was unveiled to celebrate Prince William and Kate’s 13th wedding anniversary.

Amid speculations surrounding a new snapshot of Princess Charlotte, concerns arose following a Photoshop controversy earlier in the year. A Mother’s Day portrait of Kate and her children was retracted by several photo agencies after it was revealed to have been significantly altered. Kate’s subsequent announcement of her cancer diagnosis added a layer of sensitivity to the situation.

Mail’s Rebecca English disclosed that initially, the couple contemplated not releasing a birthday portrait at all due to recent appeals for privacy. However, they opted to express gratitude for the warm wishes received for Prince Louis. Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams suggested that the timing of the photo release could underscore Kate’s plea for privacy and space, considering the backlash over the edited Mother’s Day portrait.

The controversy over Kate’s altered photo was described as a “highly embarrassing contretemps,” prompting careful consideration regarding the timing and manner of Prince Louis’s birthday portrait. This cautious approach aligns with Kate’s poignant message about her cancer diagnosis earlier this year, emphasizing the importance of privacy during challenging times.

Earlier in the year, the Duchess of Cambridge revealed her cancer diagnosis, which was detected during surgery for another condition in January.

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