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11013 times read

Ahmad Al-Sarraf
Reader Ala’a says: When the education is so bad in our country, and the health services are on the decline and our roads are in such a mess that the fragile windshields of our cars cannot withstand the force of the flying gravel on our roads, it is useless to complain about the poor level of postal services.
It may seem so, but the fact that all state services have reached the same level and the poor citizens and residents have to bear the brunt of our road when the windshields give way, but certainly he cannot afford to sustain to losing an important message.We hear complaints of poor postal services particularly from those who are obliged to rely on this means of transport or communication.Ala’a continued by saying he needed to send papers overseas, so he went to the Nuzha Post Office and found out it was closed. He was advised to go to the Abdullah Al-Salem Post Office and there the Kuwaiti supervisor refused to take anything from him on the pretext his job was to receive and distribute mail.He then asked Ala’a to go to the Keifan Telecommunications Tower or the one on the Beirut Street. When Ala’a went to Keifan he found there was no place to park the car and headed for Hawalli, there he found there was a traffic jam and finally when he reached the center, the supervisor asked him to go to the Safat Post Office, the mother of all postal services in Kuwait.At the post office, a little bit after eight in the morning, he found a place to park his car and felt happy that at last he will be able to dispatch his parcel within minutes, but his optimism was short-lived.At the post office, he did not find any employee on duty. He then proceeded to the private post boxes and there too no one was there, except for the people who owned those boxes. Finally, he returned to the main hall and found an Asian cleaning worker who informed him that the work at the post office starts at 1:30 pm and stops at 10:00 pm.Ala’a says that he left the building and returned in the afternoon at 3:00 pm. Again another surprise awaited him because the man at the counter said his parcel could not be accepted because he does not have the 2017 stamp because it had not arrived although it was the second week of January. It seems the end of 2016 had taken the Mr Assistant Undersecretary for postal services by surprise and he was not prepared for that.The employees suggested that Ala’a should go to the Qortuba Post Office because the office of the undersecretary was located in that area and the 2017 stamps may be available with him, if not, it would give him an opportunity to complain to the most senior official in the country about the cause of his suffering.Ala’a said he had mixed feelings because of all this chaos and negligence and disregard to the rights of humans in addition to the time wasted and exhaustion. He decided to go to the nearest courier office and paid twenty times more than what he would have paid to send the parcel by ordinary mail.The reader bemoans the sorry state of the services, and how even the simplest issue becomes so complicated. If this is the state of simple service of receiving and delivering mail, after all that has become a means of social media to do the work on behalf of the Ministry of Communication although the ministry boasts of an army of employees and the budget allocated to it.Here one wonders, what is the case of security, education, health and other more complex services that do not benefit from such media means as the Ministry of Communication.Will a day come when, for example, citizens will be forced to take their letters to Dubai or collect them from there?email: [email protected]By Ahmad Al-Sarraf