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KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: The Women and Family Affairs Committee in the Parliament discussed issues concerning Kuwaiti women with a number of female activists on Monday. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Committee Chairman MP Saleh Ashour said they tackled family violence and a plan to establish shelters for victims of violence. He affirmed the committee is keen on drafting laws that address the needs of Kuwaiti women.Meanwhile, MP Safa Al-Hashem praised members of the Health Committee for approving the bill requiring foreigners visiting Kuwait to buy health insurance. She believes this will reduce crowds in hospitals, disclosing the bill stipulates a high price for the health insurance of those entering Kuwait on visit visas.On the other hand, Al-Hashem criticized the lack of database at the Fatwa and Legal Department and its intention to sign contracts with 30 expatriate consultants which she considers a serious flaw in a State body. She asked, “Is it not time to train and appoint Kuwaiti consultants instead of shouldering the cost for the residency of expatriates and other related expenses, indicating an expatriate consultant usually enjoys one-year stay in a hotel.In another development, MP Yusuf Al-Fadala has unveiled his intention to grill the health minister within one month if the latter does not respond to his questions about contracts and overseas treatment, particularly the related expenditures estimated at KD 750 million.Furthermore MP Abdul Kareem Al- Kandari revealed that he and some of his colleagues are planning to submit a request to form a special parliamentary committee to deal with population issues including the rising number of expatriates. He said the committee’s tasks include studying proposals to eliminate visa trading, obligate the government to implement the Kuwaitization policy and solve the unskilled workers issue.He added the committee will submit its final report to the Parliament during the closed door session slated for March 30, 2017. Moreover, Rapporteur of Business Environment Improvement and Small Enterprises Committee MP Ahmed Al- Fadel said the small businesses are facing problems with several institutions.In a statement after the committee meeting, Al-Fadel disclosed they are waiting for 15 amendments from Minister of Commerce and Industry Khaled Al-Roudan. He went on to say the fund for small enterprises confirmed that the number of projects will reach 1,281 by 2020 while the number of beneficiaries will not exceed 2,000 which is not enough. By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff