Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

History teachers and researchers use various methods, depending on the researcher and historical period of study. Many researchers are distinguished in their various specialities and have contributed immensely to the knowledge of history.

There are precise specialities wherein numerous researchers tried to probe in-depth and weave expressions to the extent that readers and those concerned with books, theses and researches set objective for investigating accuracy. It has scientific directions in floating and weaving the subjects of discussion that relate historical incidents, as well as information covering over hundreds and thousands of years. We wouldn’t have obtained valuable publications in that copious science if not for the strong scientific method used in research and investigation of credibility.

Among issues creating attention are certain modern or contemporary historical incidents impossible to investigate in a public discussion due to their peculiarities, coupled with political and temporal situation involved. For this reason, many researchers prefer not to publish them for the general public and limit its research, reading and study to specialists, concerned individuals or students of history. This may contain prominence and growth, because not all that is known is said and every situation demands the use of suitable words.

I remember my discussion with an excellent researcher who told me a very important thing. He said, “We are obliged to summon some courage to overcome historical errors, and prior to that courage, we should prepare the ground for awareness and accepting other views. I notice that many researchers publish certain books of history by attempting to create shortened image by focusing on some segments while ignoring other segments of society,” the researcher concluded.

In discussions and dialogues with those who specialize in historical studies and researches, we discovered many general attempts and lines through which we can form short research operations for details of history.  We’ll have a brief interaction with history among three elements (human/time/place). Every situation is investigated objectively as a number without connecting to other numbers. For example, historical period for country A (number 1) and historical period for country B (number 2).

This is how we can identify historical periods and link them with one another through innovative classification that is simple to break down and easy to understand. We realize that mathematical calculation is often mandatory when historical incidents are interwoven, and in most cases, it is negative!

Mandatory calculation: a historical incident whose detail is affirmed objectively and figuratively.

Negative calculation: a historical incident whose date, place and even elements is ambiguous; such that many related reports (for /against) are artificially neutral, because the incident itself is basically ambiguous.

There are some hardworking researchers who structure every incident (as I understand) and the fact of the historical incident -any incident- needs a vision to search for what is before or after it (I mean results) to be able to conclude an objective credible research that can be said to be logical.

Types of historical dialogues and its arguments are endless. We find new historical information everyday, so I believe that focusing on historical analysis gives objective balancing and closes several distances in a way that can assist a researcher to conclude or discover a new thing that never existed.

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By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi

“On the outlook history is not more than news, but inside it is theory and investigation” (Ibn Khaldoun).