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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

ONE of the characteristics of any country is that it should not be subjected to pressure by political parties and factions concerning matters related to sovereignty.

Instead, a country should operate based on a vision that is in line with its supreme interests.

Therefore, the hippyish demeanor of some factions in trying to impose their agendas on the government concerning the issue of normalization is a mere derangement that only serves those who are stalking Kuwait.

In reality, the concept of peace is a sweeping international wave that cannot be stopped. Therefore, the positions taken by “the featherless rooster party”, “the party of husk with suspicion” and their likes must be realistic. They should not inflate themselves to explode like a balloon of bad air.

Those who attempt to depict themselves as influencers of the public opinion in Kuwait are nothing more than the patrons of an untitled Diwaniya whose largest number of movements do not exceed the fingers of one hand.

In this regard, their indulgence in this matter contradicts the official positions announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its undersecretary Ambassador Khaled Al-Jarallah. He was clear when he said, “Kuwait does not oppose the sovereign measures taken by the UAE and Bahrain,” or “If it comes to it, Kuwait will be the last country to normalize ties with Israel”. This doesn’t close the door for normalization.

These factions need to contemplate the facts in hand. Kuwait can neither depart from the GCC consensus nor withdraw from its international alliances due to the fact that it is a small country and needs a solid network of relations. Therefore, its abandonment of the international community means to leave it exposed to the jaws of regional terrorist monsters that always have means to attack.

Let us approach the matter from another angle. Let us suppose as an example that Bahrain rejected normalization and raised the slogan “Throwing Israel into the sea”. Since the Palestinians themselves are crawling to establish relations with Tel Aviv, wouldn’t that render Bahrain to deviate from the international consensus, and thus become exposed to the Mullahs regime which wants to swallow it?

Similar is the case with Kuwait in terms of those who serve evil foreign agendas, intentionally or unintentionally, and want to push the country into this predicament.

The rhetoric of liberating Jerusalem and “Al-Aqsa” no longer deceives anyone apart from the adventurers who exploit it to achieve their objectives.

In 1979, Iran brandished the slogan “Marching towards Jerusalem” while it directed its hired rifles to Lebanon where it fought wars at the expense of its people, killed its elite politicians and intellectuals, and turned it into an isolated country that ended up suffering from a stifling living crisis.

Under the same slogan, it entered Iraq and wrecked it, as well as in Yemen, let alone the most horrific massacres it committed in Syria. Throughout the last 40 years, it did not fire a single bullet at Israel despite the fact that Jewish planes have been bombing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards every day in Syria without any retaliation.

Clearly, no country in the Gulf Cooperation Council opposes peace. For a long time, starting with the first Arab Peace Initiative 1981 proposed by the then Saudi Crown Prince the late Prince Fahad bin Abdul-Aziz, in an attempt to find a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, which happened by agreement with the US President at the time Ronald Reagan, up to the initiative of King Abdullah endorsed in the Beirut Summit in 2002, Saudi Arabia did not oppose either the Egyptian and Jordanian peace agreements or the “Abraham Accords” between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel.

Based on this fact, we ask – On what basis are some of the pseudo-politicians trying to establish themselves as masters of Kuwaiti public opinion? Where do they want to push the country to?

Do those who are blowing into a punctured balloon think that they can block the international wave and impose their will to change the popular Gulf and Arab consensus which is calling for peace? The answers will come through the facts of the coming period.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times