Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

Kuwait is an Islamic state with Islamic-characterized laws that do not frustrate development, halt growth or impede any advancement.

Science and development have nothing to do with permitting forbidden items, because the path of development is clear. It is related to administrative development from which other required improvements emanate. However, those who believe there can be no development without allowing forbidden items are shortsighted. The religion does not inhibit development but rather consolidates it through ethical inclination and professional sincerity.

Development begins with the government itself through radical reforms in the public interest to serve the nation and citizens. Ease of procedures is development, appointment of competent officials in the right positions is development, achievement of food security in farms is development, and enhancement of fish and animal resources is development. Improving education and health services is development, eliminating crimes and drugs is development, and solving major issues such as the Bedoun case is a commendable action leading to development.

We should change our mindset towards our expatriate friends who live and work with us in Kuwait. The issue of expatriates should be put under the microscope for accurate study. It is unreasonable for anyone to spend more than 30 thirty years in Kuwait with clean security and work records but still remain under sponsorship of a Kuwaiti citizen.

Kuwait is loved by many Arab and non-Arab countries due to the good deeds of its people and the refined system of governance. We should reorganize the file of expatriates in order to attract competent highly qualified people with achievements.

Another important issue is the need to determine the maximum number for every community, because it is illogical for some communities to reach one million. Residence in Kuwait should be for productive workers, not just anybody. The government should charge only symbolic fees for transfers instead of putting heavy burdens on expatriates while the state benefits.

Kuwait Airways should be improved with the acquisition of advanced fleet. The administrative crew should be excellent, and new routes should be opened in order to place our airways in a competitive position. It deserves attention considering its long history and brilliant pedigree. It is an essential addition to the development, especially with the completion of the new airport. However, it should be linked to a tourism authority to attract clean tourism in the midst of hospital people. This will put us in front of unparalleled development work.

The Silk City or New Kuwait will take off from there, because any action without a strong foundation and fantastic administration is very difficult to succeed. It is more important to start with internal reform which should be the first stage of the anticipated development plan. It is impossible to jump over these reforms, even though some of them are painful but necessary.

Jaber Causeway is a landmark addition for the entire region, not just Kuwait. Therefore, it will be good to charge toll for trucks to use it (I learnt that toll has been enforced on trucks), and expedite the use of the industrial islands that are yet to be used!

One more important thing that people have been wondering is – Why was the official inauguration of hospitals that are not yet in operation organized? What is the motive behind this? Is it not  better to inaugurate a completely ready hospital with full crew, because development is not about stone, as human is the main factor?!

Observations abound but I will leave it as it is. I do not know if these words will reach the higher committee of the “New Kuwait 2035” vision or not? Will they read and consider this?

Good luck to you all and Happy Ramadan. May Allah Almighty bless our dear country with security and safety under the able leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah!.

Twitter - @alzmi1969

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi