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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE outcome of the 2016 National Assembly election was unusual; considering the huge voter turnout and variety of winners, especially the youth, making this election akin to a referendum.

This ‘referendum’ was on national alternatives over factional and personal interests that coated previous Parliaments which caused several problems and Kuwait continues to pay the price.

Majority of the candidates, if not all, who exaggerated in their alluring campaign promises with regard to maintaining the public fund wastage tap in a bid to expand their popularity base, were rejected by the voters. For the first time, voters perfected their role in holding accountable those who gained at the expense of this country’s people.

The ‘referendum’ also ended double standards that prevailed in parliamentary work for years. It was the shadow Parliament of minority MPs who were terrified of their fellow MPs and the government as well. They crippled development, impeded projects and augmented interpellations in a bid to hamper legislation that do not chime with their interests or do not serve agendas of their factions.

The country elected a single Parliament, no shadow force is dominating its course as it represents all social calibers in a balanced manner that bars the return of parliamentary dictatorship practiced in the past.

The ballot boxes did not allow any majority faction. Even those affiliated with Islamic groups and the ‘Brotherhood’ or tribal and sectarian factions were not the influencing lot, let alone the fact that this Parliament has adequate number of independent candidates with a completely different political speech compared to others.

Undoubtedly, this outcome will echo the need to form a government which matches the election results in order to ensure balance between the two authorities, such that one authority does not dominate the other.

It is also necessary for the soon-to-be formed government to deal with the Parliament in a manner different from the previous one, especially after its supporters attempted to protect it through dissolution of the former Parliament seven months before the end of its term to avoid public anger over poor performance.

However, the resulting wind of this election went against the wish of the government’s boat and the former MPs whose accountability has been tough. This is what several observers and some parties in the government would have expected.

Today, the picture is clear in front of the forthcoming government. The newly elected MPs need to be aware of the nature of challenges that the country is facing, especially in relation to security, financial and economic affairs, to exit from the tunnel of livelihood crisis.

They should also realize that the unpopular measures taken by the government are steps in the right direction, allowing the State to continue addressing liabilities of the people. These measures must be completed to avoid falling into financial peril.

Therefore, it is logical to have strong cooperation between the two authorities — executive and legislative — in terms of taking the necessary measures. The MPs-elect will not be tied by limited time as they have four years, unless something happens to trigger an early election.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times