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It would not be strange to see a physicist standing humbly in front of a Buddha statue, or a Hindu physician worshipping a cow. This is a result of the simulation of the process of nature started so early to fill their memories since childhood which start quite empty. Later on, a man becomes identical to his simulation of nature.

Outstanding Saudi intellectual Ibrahim Al-Belaihi said simulation of nature is among the most deep-rooted customs and so, there is no space between a person and his simulation of nature.

Thus, no one realizes his own errors no matter how smart and knowledgeable he is. There are rare cases where some individuals managed to escape their simulation of nature. Brain receptors and mental activities made mankind bounded by the ideologies which come first regardless to their context or tendency.

This fact represents the most difficult dilemma facing the less advanced countries and so the people of those countries stay in much lower level compared to the people of the advanced countries.

In spite of the great available ideas and the comprehensive and accurate sciences, the constructive ignorance still controls human brain in the East and West.

The physician was saturated very early by the doctrine of Buddhism before his brain was shaped. The same thing happened to the Hindu doctor and it happens to the entire believers of the other doctrines. The simulation of nature controls the lifestyle of the believers of a doctrine and the later becomes the glasses through which they see the world.

Close vision requires the existence of an appropriate distance, and because there is no distance between the individual and what is printed with it, he does not see the bad or defects of what is printed with it, and therefore neither the sharpness of his intelligence nor the breadth of his knowledge will benefit him. This distance is a requirement for close vision.

There is no word that is more beneficial to humanity than the word “doubt”. Therefore, the majority of creeds require you to remain silent and believe without question!

Man has lived for tens of thousands of years beside rivers, and has never tried to find out where their waters come from. Or he wonders why people are infected with certain diseases, and why others do not. Why do we feel hot and then cold, get sick and die!

Why was it not possible to transfuse the blood of one person to another, or the secrets behind the effects of the Pharaohs, for example, or what lies under the oceans and mountains, etc. Lucky are those who could answer the questions. Victoria Lake could be named after a Muslim Caliphate if the explorer was a Muslim man and if it was discovered by a quarter of us, and so on!

Philosopher Renè Descartes said, “I doubt, therefore I am, there I think and therefore I exist.” Doubt verified the existence of a man but this existence is imperfect. The idea of the imperfect brain brought the idea of the perfect existence. Nevertheless, the imperfect cannot be the source of perfection.

Descartes said, “If you want to be a sincere seeker of the truth, you need to doubt in everything even once in your lifetime.”

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By Ahmed alsarraf