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author name Arab Times

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HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah accompanied by HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and other prominent sheikhs visited the Kuwait National Guard Officers’ Club late Tuesday
KUWAIT CITY, May 23, (KUNA): His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah commended Tuesday leadership of Kuwait National Guard for their 2020 strategy, which is aimed at strengthening KNG role in protecting and maintaining national security.His Highness the Amir was speaking during a visit to KNG Officers Club, accompanied by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al- Hamad Al-Sabah. His Highness the Amir was received by KNG President His Highness Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, his Deputy Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and KNG Undersecretary General Hashem Al-Rifae.He commended His Highness Sheikh Salem Al-Ali and Sheikh Mishal for their relentless efforts to improve KNG efficiency by providing servicemen with state-of-art military equipment. He said the KNG leadership was also supporting development of an advanced administrative system, which supported the 2020 strategy.His Highness the Amir affirmed KNG was an important back-up to the security and military institutions, and has been protecting national and vital facilities. His Highness the Amir also praised KNG social role among the youth.KNG Undersecretary Al- Rifae said the national guard witnessed a great military advancement and has been embarking on a vital social role. Al-Rifae said KNG has been working hard to develop its human resources and infrastructure as well as applying modern technology in the military installations. KNG, said Al-Rifae, has assumed control over protection of the central oil sector, in addition to training KNG soldiers on combat and support missions.He said KNG was about to join the International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Statues (FIEP). Al-Rifae said KNG participated in military drills and international tournaments. His Highness the Amir was also accompanied by Minister of Amiri Diwan Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah His Highness the Amir commended on Tuesday Kuwait Army and soldiers for their efforts as part of the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen.During his annual visit to Kuwait Army Officers’ Club, His Highness the Amir accompanied by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy President of the National Guard Sheikh Mishaal Ahmad Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Hamad Al- Sabah, congratulated the soldiers on the holy month of Ramadan, wishing Almighty to protect them in their task and mission. His Highness the Amir also expressed his confidence in all officers and soldiers who were the great national defense shield to the country.On this blessed occasion, His Highness the Amir expressed admiration and pride to the progress in all army sectors and combat units, which in turn reflected on the country’s keenness to bring the best military equipment available to them, including enhancement of capabilities of Kuwait’s army. His Highness the Amir added that “our region has been witnessing for several years grave developments and their repercussions have been felt directly on security and stability not only in the gulf, but also in the whole region, which compelled us to be cautious and ready to maintain security and stability of the country.”Finally, His Highness the Amir asked Allah Almighty to protect Kuwait and its people and all those who work relentlessly to secure its safety and stability, asking Allah Almighty to forgive Kuwaiti martyrs who sacrificed everything for the country. His Highness the Amir was received upon his arrival by First Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Army chief of Staff Lt. General Mohammad Al-Khodhr and Defense Undersecretary Sheikh Ahmad Mansour Al-Sabah. Al-Khodhr lauded His Highness the Amir wise foreign policy. “The State of Kuwait — through its foreign policy and its distinguished world standing and the strategic vision of Your Highness — has been dealing with sisterly and friendly countries to enhance the principles of mutual respect, fruitful cooperation to sever common interests, and to employ its relation with all world countries, without interferring in their internal affairs, to promote peace, security and stability in the region.”He went on to say that Kuwait had suffered from the plight of occupation in 1990 and thus it believes that peace is the right option which helps nations avoid destruction and resources squandering. He acclaimed His Highness the Amir’s role in overcoming many regional challenges. “Your efforts to heal the Gulf rift and reunite Gulf states, has given the world the brightest example of political wisdom and statesmanship whih made Your Highness a role model for world leaders,” he said. He recalled His Highness the Amir’s milestone speech at the recent emergency summit of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul. This speech had sent a brave message from the State of Kuwait about its historic and clear stance in support to the Palestinian cause, he said.Al-Khodhr asserted that the rapid changes and emerging challenges in the region, required vigilance and alert towards anything that could threaten the state security and stability. “It also necessitates closing ranking and joining forces to retain our national unity and confront anything that could jeopardize it through adhering to the tolerant teachings of our religion that is based on tolerance and love as well as to embody Your Highness keenness on unity and fraternity,” he stressed.He also shed lights on the efforts of the Kuwaiti Army to build capacities and enhance efficiency. “With the help of God and Your support and in line with Kuwait’s 2035 Vision, the Kuwaiti Army is moving steadily towards boosting and developing defense, armament and training capabilities,” he said. “The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense (Sheikh Nasser Al-Sabah) is employing all resources and means as well as removing all obstacles to help upgrade and beef up the armament and defense systems, especially those related to cyber security with a view to elevating the Kuwaiti Army potential to that of the advanced armies in the world.”In this regard, Al-Khodhr stated that Kuwaiti Army was preparing for several armament and development projects to enhance its defense potential. “This needs more attention to build capacities and train military cadres to be able to use the modern systems in a professional manner to reach the highest level of combat readiness that lives up to the aspiration of the our country and Your Highness as well as to maintain the state sovereignty and resources,” he said.He expressed pride of the heroism and sacrifices of Kuwaiti armed forces deployed in Khamis Mushait and Jizan, Saudi Arabia, as well as the Forces of Mubarak and Forces of Sabah “who are serving the dear homeland on fronts inside the country or overseas.” “We pledge to God, Your Highness and Kuwaiti people to do all in power and to sacrifice ourselves to defend our dear homeland,” he concluded. His Highness the Amir was also accompanied by Minister of Amiri Diwan Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah.