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POLITICAL geniuses in Kuwait are trying to invent “hot water” by recycling the problems that the country endures from. They then come up with a fight in the election arena by brandishing outdated campaign slogans.

Even before the results are announced, each of them shows his arsenal in pursuit of a position in the National Assembly, which apparently will not change anything from reality, but could be a distorted version of the previous ones.

Therefore, the features of the election outcome are clear in content, but not in form. The objectives are not the names, but the way the parliamentarians will perform after June 6. For this reason, it would have been better if people didn’t go through the trouble of electing them.

Indeed, there are many Kuwaitis who are currently saying, “A bad start brings about undesirable outcomes.” This is due to the fact that the principle of the electoral approach is concerned with the one who has the ability to impose a solution to the concerns of the people, after the matter has reached a point where people no longer trust the parliamentarians.

On the other hand, the governments, including the current one, did not provide anything that can be relied upon to get the country out of the impasse, as they work on a reaction mode.

That is why it does not have any state project for development, especially in the face of regional and international changes, and the pressure of wars raging in more than one region, as well as the uncertainty of how to face the fluctuating oil prices, the looming financial crisis due to the financial situation of the United States, and the consequences that will cast a shadow on foreign investments.

Unfortunately, there are those who believe that the situation will not change or that the raising prices is a natural result of the decline in the purchasing value of the currencies of commodity-exporting countries.

There are still advisors who bet on “all is well” because they seek to provide advice to officials based on a vision of their personal interests, not the interests of the people and the state.

We have mentioned on several occasions that the prestige and strength of the state is the decision of a leader. This is what happened to Singapore through Lee Kuan Yew, and China through Deng Xiaoping. Even though Mao Zedong is the founder of the modern state, the renaissance of the Chinese happened because of Deng Xiao. No one remembers Hua Guofeng, who succeeded Mao Zedong. Today everyone is watching the achievements of the current President Xi Jinping but no one remembers Hu Jintao.

In 2017, the Chinese Communist Party voted to include President Xi Jinping’s name and thoughts in the party’s constitution and make him the same as the late founder of the party Mao Zedong.

Similar scenarios happened in the United States with its 46 presidents. The American people remember only five or six of them because they worked to establish their name in history with the great deeds they presented to their nation. This includes George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, or Reagan who defeated the Soviet Union without a war.

All of these had governments and parliaments, and some of their countries suffered from problems between the parliamentarians and the government, and even witnessed popular political unrest.

However, they held onto the helm of steering the ship to the achievements, and did not care about the arguments and polemics of the MPs or their interpellation. Also, their governments did not conclude deals to prevent the interpellation of the prime minister, or any of the members of his team.

Indeed, in the United Kingdom, there are interpellations of ministers and the prime minister happening on a daily basis. The conditions of the state have not been disturbed because everyone works with the decision of the leadership, and even its ambitions.

The decision maker there does not pay attention to social media because of the conviction that the state is not governed by these means, but rather by a state strategy set by the leadership and everyone acts on its inspiration and strict control over all institutions, and firmness in preventing anyone from encroaching on the interests of the state, or the public money.

Kuwait today, in light of what it is enduring, needs a decision-making will, instead of waiting for a nation’s assembly. From what the candidates claim that “it is all the same”, we know this means we need an executive authority that has the ability of change for the better in order for the country to get out of the political and developmental impasse that led to a number of crises, and the deterioration of everything in the state.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times