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author name Arab Times

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First of all I would like to thank you to this amazing “Legal Clinic” department for their services, which are very helpful to all of us ... and I am a regular reader of the very popular “Arab Times” since 2004. I have a problem which has become very critical now as I am having a “mismatch” on my passport & academic certificates as I will attempt to explain below. I will be very grateful if you can guide me on how to make the corrections on the Kuwait documents, since I can make the correction on my passport as per my academic certificate from my home country (Bangladesh). I am holding a Bangladeshi passport and have been living & working in Kuwait since October 2003.

My problems are following:

On passport: Name: Ahammad Ullah Motayed

Father’s name: Nur Ullah Mottled Date of birth: Dec 7, 1978

On certificate: Name: Ahammad Ullah Mooted

Father’s name: Nurulla Motaed

Date of birth: Dec 7, 1982

Note: My certificate and passport copy are attached for reference.

The above mistakes happened because we didn’t have any mandatory birth certificate before 2008.

Name withheld Answer: We are not worried what difference there is between your passport details and the details on your certificates. Because those are the corrections you have to get done from your embassy or your country. We are concerned with correcting the details on your Kuwait documents and matching them with your passport details.

This is not too difficult.You have to approach the Immigration Department in your area first.You will have to fill a form with the details you want corrected. You will then be directed to the Fingerprints Department to confirm that you are the “same person” with “different names”.

Once you get the security report , you have to go back to the Immigration Department which will make the corrections in its computer system.To this computer system are connected all the important departments of Kuwait.

The Immigration Department will also put a new residence sticker in your passport. This means the required corrections have been made .You can now approach all the departments — for Civil ID and driving license — to have all the details on these documents corrected. You won’t face any problems.

Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected]