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I learned from my experiences, and from the reactions to my articles, especially the last ones and what is related to burning fingers, that one of the most difficult things for the majority is to admit wrongdoing, and their hatred for the mere thought that the other side may be right.

Nietzsche said: Do not think that telling the truth will bring you closer to people. People love and reward those who deceive them with illusions. It seems that I was wrong because of my frankness all the time.

We are a people who believe lies and deny the truth, we trust the traitor and betray the trustworthy, we encourage the coward until he revolts, we fail the brave until he collapses, we fight the successful until he fails, we provoke the wise until he loses his mind, we hate the organization and we hate the system, we see the evil and applaud it, we support falsehood and we support tyrants against the righteous and against the good and all that is useful.

Our history is falsified from A to Z, and the pages are stained with the blood of the innocent and the victims. Read how they colonized us in the name of religion, confiscated our rights in the name of religion, and occupied us in the name of religion. Then they sold us in political slavery.

And read how the scientists of physicists, chemists, mathematicians, medics, astronomist and philosophers were accused of disbelief

It is unfortunate what we see in the political arena these days of fighting to the extent that even a secular liberal like me is obliged, from time to time, to defend his positions and principles, only because the other party, who still has a certain respect for him, continues to describe me with qualities and titles that have nothing to do with me.

Open your hearts and purify your intentions, and leave the history stained with blood and hatred behind you, and look to the future and have tolerance, for we have no other than this small homeland, whose security, reassurance and wealth will leak out from our fingers like soft sand, and we will remain after that with nothing but heartbreak for a homeland we have not succeeded in preserving.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf