Municipality prepares seven catering center sites to boost food security

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Saud Al-Dabbous

KUWAIT CITY, May 23: The Director General of Kuwait Municipality, Engineer Saud Al-Dabbous, has announced the preparation of seven locations for catering centers across all governorates, aimed at enhancing the country’s food security. These sites, which range in size from 500 to 1,000 square meters, are ready for allocation upon request. Additionally, four storage locations, with areas between 10,000 and 100,000 square meters, have also been prepared.

During a meeting of the municipality’s coordination committee, Eng. Al-Dabbous emphasized that “providing these sites follows the mechanism for implementing the Council of Ministers’ decisions on this matter and involves coordination with the concerned authorities.”

This initiative is part of Kuwait’s broader strategy to ensure food security and streamline logistics for essential supplies.

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