Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

 ‘The politics in our countries manipulates justice, discipline and morals to such an extent that I seek refuge in Allah! This is horrible.” – Tawfiq Al-Hakeem.

A few days ago, the former Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi passed away during his trial in Cairo.

Death is a divine decision. We can do nothing about it except pray for that good man during a part of his life that was an unforgettable page in the history of Egypt, a page that has been written and will never ever be ignored.

Actually, I will not talk for or against the situation back then, as what was done is done, and the power went to another president. This is life and this is the way of governance, where survival is for the most powerful, most intelligent and most resourceful.

Here, I will not talk about morals, principles or values. Such principles are judged and defined by the most powerful who managed to take power and control the decisions. Perhaps history will judge him in the future. History has plenty of similar incidents, and affirms that the umpire’s chair is not necessarily occupied by the most efficient but the most powerful.

I am not talking here about the language of the jungle but I am presenting a very realistic speech. Political, social, cultural contexts affirm what I want to say. Dealing with a state that used to be ruled by military regime for decades and all of a sudden had started witnessing justice and free elections which resulted in civil governance was like a sweet fairy dream that is very difficult to come true.

 Hosni Mubarak ended his 30-year military-like rule when he stepped down as president. Due to the long term, people had become accustomed to such type of governance especially since Mubarak was the third president in a line of three military presidents started with president Jamal Abdul Nasser followed by president Anwar Al-Sadat. They represented the same regime despite the small differences that were only in the details but they shared the same headline.

The dilemma that Morsi faced was the presence of the military council which managed the transition period after Mubarak stepped down. It was this military council that handed over the power to Morsi after declaring him winner of the presidential elections organized in 2012. The problem was that he did not deal in a smart way with the military council, which was considered like the real ruler even after Morsi received his presidential position. Such a type of governance where the civil president is in the forefront but the military engine stays in the background exists in some other countries. Many believe that such a relationship resembles the marriage of convenience and cannot last for long, since a ship cannot be navigated by two captains.

The period of tenure of Morsi revealed that a collision was going to occur. Morsi relied on his religious and political party which obtained the votes of a large number of Egyptian citizens. However, his way of approaching issues did not meet that period’s requirements.

I am not going to criticize or provide solutions. I just want to convey my impressions about a rare event represented by an Egyptian president coming to power via rare and unprecedented elections in terms of justice and freedom until he was deposed, detained and sued over a number of accusations, some of which have many question marks.

The man has passed away (We pray Allah will forgive him). Without getting into any enquires about his death, I would like to ask frankly if the Muslim Brotherhood Group is still in enmity with the ruling regime or will it deal with the regime in the future on a pragmatic basis since the regime is a real fact.

I also want to ask if the Muslim Brotherhood Group is ready for any dramatic future scenarios that the international stage might witness with changes in some situations. Such changes might negatively affect the relations between the Muslim Brotherhood Group and their prominent supporters, namely Qatar and Turkey.

The Muslim Brotherhood Group is one of the most well organized political parties. Most of its activities were carried out in the shadow due to which it has become part of the habits of this group to work well in the shadow away from the open fields. That is why when Muslim Brotherhood Group moved to work in public, the traces of shadow were seen on their performance, revealing a large part of their attitude and leading their brightness to fade away. The reason for this is that this group did not accumulate enough experience that would enable them to work in public and deal with the so-called “deep state”, which managed to defeat them since it controlled everything on the ground. That is why the experience did not last for long and Muslim Brotherhood Group are back in the shadow and behind bars.

I once again stress that I am neither for nor against when I say the experience of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Freedom Party is the best because of its realistic nature and the shrewd way of dealing with the participating official bodies. This way led Erdogan and his companions to take control of the entire state.

May Allah show mercy to the late president Mohammad Morsi, who will be mentioned in history as the first Egyptian to lead Egypt through free elections. He also served as an example that deserves to be studied during the short period he ruled Egypt.

Twitter - @alzmi1969

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi