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Day by day, the Minister of Health, Dr. Khaled Al-Saeed proves high organizational and administrative ability, and his last decision was to regulate the supervision of pharmacies, the number of which has become a phenomenon that you do not find in any country in the world.

In one street, whose length does not exceed 800 meters, we find three or four pharmacies, two of which are on the same side. It is also surprising to notice the large number of them in the Sabah Al-Salem investment area.

It is strange to notice the scarcity of Kuwaiti pharmacists in this activity, despite the hundreds of graduating in this field, so where did they go?

After a struggle that lasted for more than four years, it was decided to hand over the Al-Jahra Hospital, the newest in Kuwait, to a Korean company in order to manage it through a body or committee consisting of seven members, three from the Kuwaiti side, three from the Korean side, and a seventh representing the Amiri Diwan, which established the project. I don’t know how true the news is, it is bitter sweet, or good and bad, at the same time.

It is good for the state, after a delay and hesitation that lasted for half a century, to take such a long-awaited civilized step, in which all the Gulf states preceded us, for its benefit on the medical body.

Nevertheless, the experience of using Cuban medical staff, during the Corona ordeal, it was found that the foreign medical team, who are not fluent in English, constitute a burden on the local medical staff, due to the problem of communicating with them or with patients, so mastering the country’s language or English at least is a very important matter, and for this reason the Ministry of Health at that time had to terminate the contract with the Cuban team and send them back home.

And if we look at the experience of using non-Arabs to perform various tasks, it turns out that the best nationalities are the ones who master, to one degree or another, the English language, the global language of communication and on top of these are the Filipinos and Indians.

Perhaps we will go through the same painful experience with the Korean team because of the language barrier. It was not known about medicine in Korea that it used English in teaching, and the Korean doctors, who came to Kuwait to perform certain medical tasks, had long complained about the problem of dealing with them, and I was one of those.

We wish the Minister of Health, the distinguished doctor Khaled Al-Saeed, who is one of the few doctors in Kuwait who hold the American Board, to seek the help of the best, and the best means the well-known international American hospitals that have everything we need, and their presence will provide expertise to our doctors, good treatment, and will spare hundreds of millions of dinars from the public money spent on treatment abroad.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf