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MONTHS have been wasted because of interpellations. It is doubtful that the recent two grillings that we had will be the last ones. There seems to be no way out of the revolving door of bickering between the National Assembly and the government, as the latter seemed weak and unable to defend itself in a manner befitting decision-making governments.

It would have been better to defend the ministers who broke into the hornet nest of electoral interests by opening thorny files with the aim of reform.

Prior to the grilling of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammad, the MPs grilled the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali because he also opened the files of appointments based on nepotism and favoritism, which saw dozens of employees returning from abroad. He had also launched a surgical operation to eradicate corruption in his ministry and its subsidiaries, the same thing that the Minister Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammad did.

There is no doubt that the fight will not end as long as there is firm conviction among the MPs that “the government is soft,” and it can be bullied by simply waving a question from here or there to render it submissive and unable to do anything.

What we witnessed this week was not an interpellation in its actual sense, but rather a collection of questions that the law experts unanimously agreed were unconstitutional.

Nevertheless, the minister confronted the MPs and refuted all the allegations with strong arguments and evidence. This was a good thing, however, what did Kuwait benefit from those two interpellations? Will there be more to come?

Things will never go in the way that every Kuwaiti aspires to. There will be no solutions to the multiple problems caused by this frightening economic and social decline, because since liberation until today, neither the parliamentary nor the governmental performance has changed.

The reality is that the MPs seek to make deals, and the government works according to what blocks the concern of accountability and confrontation, armed with flimsy pretext that the parliament prevents it from working.

What is happening is a crime against Kuwait. At a time when the neighboring countries are accelerating the pace of development, and even performing miracles in opening up to others and revitalizing their economies, we are regressing in all aspects.

On the social level, Kuwait lags behind a lot. It seems as if it left the current era and returned to the caves of the Middle Ages, and as for economically, speak without mincing your words, and this begs us to wonder, why all this?

If the argument is that “Kuwait is different” and has its own democracy, it is unfortunate that this feature has become a disaster for us, because it gave way to the dominance of the language of insults, mistrust, and tribal, sectarian and racial discrimination, and it did not provide any benefit to the country and its people.

Instead, Kuwait snubs all democracies, not just this distorted democracy that has led us to lose the ability of distinguishing between right and wrong.

Indeed, the questioning of the foreign minister will not be the last one, as political and electoral plots continue to generate crises, and even fabricate them to achieve narrow and personal goals.

This means that Kuwait will continue to lose until it becomes a deficit state, not only financially, but in all levels that it pioneers.

This is because there is no executive authority that is able to take a bold decision. The no-confidence game will remain as long as the parliamentarians see it as a profitable investment. May Almighty Allah assist Kuwait in what it has been affiliated with.

May Allah have mercy on the famous Arab thinker Ibn Khaldun who said, “When states weaken, people become more attached to sects and tribes, and the term patriotism becomes a kind of delirium. The voice of the wise is lost, the noise of the preachers fades away, and people bid for affiliation. The concepts of nationalism, patriotism, faith, and the principles of religion also disappear. The people of the same household slander each other and accuse one another of mercenary and treason”.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times