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How can a person, known for his modest abilities and weaknesses in his personality, reach high academic and legislative positions and obtain all these electoral votes?

And how did those who with doubts about their history and whose hands are tainted with scandals and fighting them in the corridors of the courts become politically and socially influential, and make huge fortunes?

How one of the biggest streets in the country be named after a well-known and successful businessman while no one knows his scientific, cultural or even artistic achievements and at the same time has the power of appointing whoever he wants and loves to head a ministry and the Prosecution and even dares to threaten the government, flexing his political and popular muscles?

All these examples of stories of success and others would have not been possible had it not been for their affiliation to a political party that believes in violence as a way to power, and with evasiveness, lying and hypocrisy as a way to crush opponents.

It is not strange, for example, the local and international forces of Muslim Brotherhood’s alliance with Saddam Hussein after his occupation of Kuwait, was exposed to establishing contact with him, with the confession of their leaders, their refusal to condemn the invasion and occupation, and their opposition to the intervention of non-Islamic forces to liberate our homeland.

However, as soon as liberation became a reality, thanks to the Western powers, and their situation was exposed, they quickly held seminars and interviews to absolve themselves of the charges of cooperating with Saddam, and announced that they would sever their connection with the Brotherhood’s global organization and change their political name in Kuwait for something that has nothing to do with the party and the destructive global organization.

But they returned again, when they felt safe, and the authority was satisfied with them, to demonstrate their loyalty to the international organization, and their support for the Brotherhood’s issues everywhere, and to participate in the elections under their banner, and according to their approach, disregarding all accusations of betrayal, apostasy hypocrisy, knowing that what they will get material and political support under the banner of the party.

It is really strange and unfortunate for this group to be able to control ruling regimes, and have this frightening influence on others. When will our authority realize how dangerous they are? Rightfully Prince Turki Al-Faisal had warned us and others of their danger to the regime of any country where they exist, in addition to warning against their corruption, their professionalism for evasion and deception?

Note: I wrote that I hope that some of my wishes will come true, before my time comes, and that the Ministry of Public Works will complete ‘asphalting’ all roads.

I would like to add another wish, which is to know how MP Hamad Al-Matar obtained 2,903 votes from people who admire him and put their trust in his abilities and voted for him, if the party was not behind the whole thing?

And I will return to respond to his personal attack on me.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf