Loretta Lynn’s daughter, Cissie Lynn, opens up about recent cancer surgery

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Loretta Lynn and daughter Clara Marie ‘Cissie’ Lynn.

LOS ANGELES, March 3, (Agencies): Loretta Lynn’s daughter, Clara Marie “Cissie” Lynn, has provided an update on her health following surgery for cancer. In a heartfelt Facebook post on Thursday, Cissie, 71, expressed gratitude for the prayers and support received during her challenging journey. She underwent the procedure on Feb 13 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

Acknowledging the difficulty of the path ahead, Cissie shared that she is currently staying with her daughter and looks forward to returning home soon. Despite missing her dogs and friends, she remains optimistic about the future. Cissie expressed a longing for a beachside life surrounded by beautiful flowers, sharing her dream of finding the perfect spot.

In an earlier Facebook post in February, Cissie disclosed the return of her cancer after a decade, describing it as more severe and located in her mouth. Facing surgery the next day, she admitted to feeling anxious and conveyed a deep yearning for the comfort of her late mother. The Lynn family also used Loretta’s Facebook page to request prayers for Cissie before her critical surgery.

Beyond her health battles, Cissie is a country singer who, in 2011, collaborated with her husband, John Beams, on an album featuring covers of her mother’s songs. Loretta Lynn, a legendary figure in country music, passed away in October 2022 at the age of 90. She had produced the album, leaving behind a musical legacy cherished by her family.

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