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Naif Aldafeery Marine engineer

A distinguished Symposium Forum is being held in Kuwait, specifically in Late Amir Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Cultural Centre during the period from 11th to 23th of the current month of Feb 2019 in Commemoration of Late King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez distinctive accomplishments and hailing his exploits and noble deeds of serving the regional and International Arenas.

The state of Kuwait,  Amir, Government and people are still recalling and recollecting the honorable and Altruistic historic stance manifested by Late King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez and his generous people during the plight of the barbaric Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and the chivalrous standing of the Saudi armed forces that led to the liberation of Kuwait.

Late King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez Vehemently ignored and shun persistently all appeals, entreatments and earnestly requested petitions from some Arab Leaders to dissuade him from seeking the Military assistance and back-up from influential friendly Super-Powers to accelerate the End of the Vicious Iraqi occupation of Kuwait.

King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez’s Noble and Courageous famous statement that echoed across the World in which he explicitly announced “either Kuwait is re-instated or both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will have the same destiny”.... “either we live together or fall together.”

Late King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez, May Allah rest his soul in peace and paradise” ordered generously and heartedly the reception and accommodation of both the Kuwaiti political leadership and military headquarter in the City of “Altayiaf” in the western region of Saudi Arabia as well as hosting a quarter Million of Kuwaiti people in the mostly renowned cities of the Saudi Arabia , extending to them all necessary services and providing them with all necessarily modern Amenities of decent Living.

Saudia Arabia territories were hit by 13 Scud ballistic Missiles as result of her firm standing and persistence to liberate Kuwait from the yoke of Iraqi diabolical Occupation.

Both the Late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad and the Late Father Amir Sheikh Saad Al-Abdalah narrated Late the King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez sayings and speeches that reflected the Late King Fahad’s keenness and determination to deter and repel the flagrant aggression.

Late King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez and Late Amir Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah worked jointly  to generate an international lobby and rallied the World against the despotic Ruler of Iraqi Regime. The Saudi air, sea ports as well as air jet fighters were placed at the disposal of Kuwaiti Legitimate Government.

The Exhibition of Late King Fahad’s activities in KUWAIT embodies the deep-rooted historical and fraternal ties linking the both sisterly Countries the bold and honourable standing of King Fahad Bin Abdulazeez towards Kuwait will remain inscribed into the Memory of Kuwaiti people fore-ever and remembered with honour and Gratitude.

King Fahad will be remembered for his sweetness and glorious deeds towards his people and KUWAIT Liberation. May Allah Almighty bestow his Mercy and Pardon upon him and may his soul in peace and in paradise.

By Naif Aldafeery

Marine engineer