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Kuwaitis, expats blamed for being careless

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 22: Vehicle theft has increased in recent times to become a new daily phenomenon in the Kuwaiti society, reports Al-Qabas daily. According to a security source, the main reasons for the high rate of thefts – especially vehicles – are multiple.

They include the lack of spread and distribution of security patrols in residential areas and those areas which have recorded the highest rates of theft, the neglect shown by some citizens and residents who leave their vehicles in operating condition even for a minute, and the weak security presence in some areas.

He insisted on the need for implementation of more security measures, such as setting up fixed and mobile checkpoints in most areas, roads, squares, and the edges of external and remote roads, as well as in front of some scrap shops used by some thieves to sell parts of stolen vehicles, in order to eliminate this dangerous phenomenon.

The source warned that lack of awareness encourages thieves to rob. He also accused some citizens and residents of not following preventive measures to avoid theft operations, stressing that, “Care is required of people, so it is important not to leave your car and its engine unattended for even one minute, and with the key inside it or without tightly closing it”.

He revealed that reports of theft of vehicles, which are left unattended in operating state or which broke down in front of the homes of citizens and residents, vital markets and workplaces, have become a daily phenomenon such that it occupies first place among the cases registered in the country’s outposts and with the competent security authorities.

The source said, “Hundreds of these cases have not been closed yet. Thefts are common in many countries of the world, but what is dangerous in Kuwait is that the thieves in most cases, especially vehicle theft cases, are not arrested. The theft cases are registered against unknown persons, and they thus continue to have opportunities to commit new thefts”.

He called on the security authorities to ponder over this problem and develop quick solutions to it, as it has become a headache for citizens and residents.

The source said, “Some of the thieves are professional gangs that trade in stolen cars. Some used them for spare parts and scrap to be sold as retail. Most of these thieves are drug addicts who search for money or valuable property inside the stolen car, then abandon it in any location”. In recent times, a phenomenon has emerged.

Many of the victims have been posting ads on social media sites in search for their stolen vehicles, accompanied by their mobile phone numbers. Some of them even offer financial rewards for those who provide information about the location of their stolen vehicle.

The question that arises strongly in this regard is – Has the social media become an alternative place for victims to search for their stolen vehicles after losing confidence in security authorities’ ability to find them? The security source urged people not to store money, valuables and precious items as well as high-priced devices inside the car, as it is a means of transport and not a safe to store money and valuables.

He indicated that wisdom requires not to draw attention in case huge sums of money are being carried from the bank, as some unscrupulous elements lurk around banks, ministries, commercial centers, and venues of celebrations with the aim of pursuing well-off people who are negligent in guarding their property, and stealing their valuables and money. The source affirmed that every thief has a goal behind theft.

He warned about the existence of a large number of marginal workers and residency offenders estimated at tens of thousands who represent a threat to the security situation in the country.

The source called for the need to launch serious work to remedy this situation and eliminate this crime. One of the victims posted an appeal on his personal account on social media, asking those with any information about his stolen car to call the Operations Room of the Ministry of Interior. His post read as follows – A white Range Rover car, which was parked in front of a cafe in Deira in the heart of the capital, was stolen at 1:30 PM on Wednesday, October 7.