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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 3: The Personal Status Court chaired by Judge Ahmad Al-Dhubai’e stripped a Kuwaiti woman of her right to custody of her children and all payments awarded in her favor by previous judgments. As per lawsuit filed by Lawyer Bushra Al-Hindal on behalf of the plaintiff, the woman was accused of getting married to another man without securing approval of marriage contract to enable her maintain custody of the children. The lawyer presented documents to prove the allegation, adding that her current husband presents the marriage contract when deemed necessary. Some witnesses also attested to the new marriage, affirming the woman was staying with the new husband in the same house. The court was convinced that the woman was actually married to another man in view of the documented evidences and testimonies of witnesses.Man acquitted: The Criminal Court acquitted a Kuwaiti citizen who was accused of driving under narcotic infl uence and crashing his car into a lamppost opposite to Lulu Hypermarket. A police officer testified that he was patrolling Fourth Ring Road when he saw the man crashing his car into a lamppost in Al-Rai area opposite Lulu Hypermarket. He rushed to the motorist and discovered that the latter was in a disoriented state. When he asked the motorist about the reason behind the accident, the suspect pulled out some Chemical drugs from his pocket and admitted to having them before the accident occurred. The defense counsel Lawyer Abdullah Al-Alanda said the police officer’s testimony does not sound logical especially since his client had denied all allegations. He indicated that the report was deliberately modified in order to add the allegation against his client, revealing that the officer had said his client did not talk but his client was able to talk and answer the question that the officer had asked instead of just handing over the drugs, as claimed by the officer.Jail-term quashed: The Court of Appeals has cancelled the verdict issued by the Court of First Instance which sentenced a Kuwaiti citizen to 19-year imprisonment on charges of drug peddling and consumption as well as dealing in arms and ammunition. The court instead acquitted the citizen of all the charges leveled against him. During the court session, the defense counsel Lawyer Musaed Al-Hajri stressed on the invalidation of the arrest and search procedures against his client, insisting that the evidence provided also lacked seriousness and the statements of the investigations conducted were contradicting. Given the aforementioned reasons, Lawyer Al-Hajri asked the court to acquit his client of all the charges.Comp for worker: The Civil Circuit of the Court of Appeals obligated an oil company to pay compensation worth KD 80,000 to a Kuwaiti citizen for the disability he sustained due to the hard work he put in while working at the company. The citizen sustained permanent disability in his back that represents 20 percent of his body’s full power. Lawyer Ayed Al-Rashidi explained that his client suffered from pain on his lower back, which required long period of treatment at his own expense. He eventually sustained 20 percent disability, which forced him to leave his technical job and switch to administrative work. The company refused to pay for the medical treatment and refused to compensate him. This forced his client to file a lawsuit against the company.By Jaber Al-Hamoud Al-Seyassah Staff