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author name Arab Times

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JEDDAH, Oct 9, (Agencies): The international community’s silence over atrocities committed in the Syrian city of Aleppo is a sign of failure, a Kuwaiti official said on Sunday, adding that global reaction to the bloodshed is a “disgrace.” Kuwait’s Consul General and permanent delegate to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Wael Al-Enezi made the remarks in a speech during an extraordinary OIC meeting at the delegates’ level, called to discuss deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Aleppo. “What is happening in Syria is not only a grave crime but a flagrant infraction of international laws and conventions,” the Kuwaiti diplomat said. Moreover, he noted that the most abominable methods of warfare are being practiced in Aleppo, “as all forms of life have fallen victim to these attacks. “ He also said that the meeting was called due to the international community’s failure to put an end to the violence.

Speaking on Kuwait’s contributions to mitigate the misery of the Syrian people, Al-Enezi said that the country has been steadfast in its support of Syria, as he underscored numerous pledges Kuwait has made to help the war-torn nation. “We face a mounting obligation to cease the humanitarian suffering in Syria through the dire need to enforce a stringent ceasefire and to deliver much needed relief aid to the country,” he added. He also asserted that the meeting will persist and that the situation in Syria will be closely monitored.

Meanwhile, Syrian government forces Sunday kept up their blistering assault on rebel-held eastern Aleppo after a divided UN Security Council failed to agree on a truce to save the war-battered city. Regime forces and their allies were advancing street by street in the eastern sector which has been out of government hands since 2012. “Clashes on the ground as well as fierce air strikes went on all night and are continuing Sunday, especially in the Sheikh Said district” of eastern Aleppo, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The monitor said regime forces took control of the Jandul crossroads in the northeast of Aleppo. On Saturday at the United Nations, Russia vetoed a French-drafted resolution demanding an end to the bombing of Aleppo, but its own rival measure on a truce was rejected. The failure of the two resolutions deepened divisions at the UN Security Council between Moscow and the Western powers backing rebel forces in Syria’s five-year war which has killed more than 300,000 people. France’s draft called for an end to all military flights over Aleppo and to air strikes on the rebel-held east that has 250,000 inhabitants. “What is at stake today is first and foremost the fate of Aleppo and its people,” France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told the council, urging it to take “immediate action in order to save” the city.