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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 25: Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Monday, strongly denounced the desecration of Holy Quran copies in front of embassies in Dutch city of The Hague. The Ministry warned in a statement against the recurrence of such disgraceful acts, and renewed its call to the international community to put an end to these provocative and hateful actions that hide under the guise of freedom of expression. It further reaffirmed importance of cooperation to counter practices that infringe upon religious sanctities and stand in the way of tolerance.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia on Sunday strongly denounced the tearing of Quran pages by an anti-Muslim, far-right group in front of a number of embassies in The Hague, Holland. The Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the recurrence of such obnoxious acts is totally unacceptable, and could by no means be justifiable. Such acts clearly instigate hate and racism, and undermine the international efforts to combat extremism and encourage values of tolerance, moderation, and mutual respect among nations, the statement added.

Elsewhere, Qatar strongly condemned the tearing of Holy Quran copies in front of a number of state embassies in the Dutch city of the Hague, considering this vile incident a serious provocation intended to stir up public opinion and inflame the feelings of Muslims. Qatar News Agency (QNA) said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned in a statement that allowing infringement on the Holy Quran under the pretext of freedom of expression fuels hatred and violence and threatens peaceful coexistence. The Ministry stressed Qatar’s complete rejection of all forms of hate speech based on belief, race, or religion, and also warned that hate campaigns against Islam and Islamophobic speech have dangerously escalated with the continued systematic calls to target Muslims in the world. (KUNA)