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Earthquakes happen everywhere in the world and around us that change the topography of peoples’ minds, renew ideas, and amend unhealthy situations, and our lawmakers differ on ‘double quarantine and online examinations and we are eyewitnesses to our beautiful homeland which is slowly eroding.

Prince Mohammad bin Salman has succeeded. True to his promise, not to wait 50 years for the development of the Kingdom he moved with an amazing speed to come out of the cocoon of radicalism and backwardness, as much as possible, and is on the way to joining the developed nations of the world.

Within a short period, he succeeded in achieving a lot. The interests and security of the state will be achieved with the opening of the door to jurisprudence wide without a commitment to a religious reference.

He has also succeeded in keeping in check the forces of extremism, even if they are not terrorists, as they are criminals, so there is no exaggeration in religion, while stopping the adoption of the ‘hadiths’ of one narrator.

All these steps constitute a revolution that we did not dream about five years ago, and now we see it being implemented before our eyes.

A thousand years have passed and there is fear that the same period will pass while we are still backward on every level, and the reason is only one: we refuse to acknowledge the importance of education and that it is the first building block of any progress.

Without education there is no citizen who can be relied upon; without educations, a free and independent homeland cannot be built; without education, a strong industry cannot be created; without education, a solid and sustainable economy cannot be built and last but not the least without education the nation’s wealth cannot be preserved.

Consequently, it was beautiful to see a country of the status of Saudi Arabia finally decided to give utmost importance to education and we hope for its continuation, and I hope we will be infected with the educational revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a shift described as historic, Saudi Arabia announced a radical change in the public education system, by shifting it from the two-semester system, to 3 semesters, interspersed with short vacations, in order to keep pace with best international practices.

The change will also include developing curricula, educational plans and goals and introducing new study materials that are taught for the first time with the aim of bridging the gap between the years old educational ladder and the years of actual study, which reaches up to 4 years.

Among these subjects are digital skills, primary grades English, social studies, self-defense, and critical thinking, the most important philosophical subjects.

I have fought, through my writing and saying, like many others, to promote this approach, and I have received various kinds of threats of atonement and murder and heaped with accusations, and now someone who does not dare to atone comes to proclaim what we have been calling for years over the years.

Although these things come late, it is one thousand times better than never.

Notice: Saudi Arabia issued a decision restricting the use of loudspeakers in mosques to call to prayer and perform prayer, and the volume should not exceed a certain level, so the aim of the call to prayer is to call to prayer and not to disturb, in an age where every worshipper knows the prayer timings.

Oh, I wish we should follow it, or even exceed it by issuing a decision to call for prayers via one recorded beautiful voice, instead of the current chaos in timing and in the mispronunciation of some muezzins.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf