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author name Arab Times
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Matter referred to probe panel

KUWAIT CITY, May 5: The Ministry of Information recorded a new blunder in its lineup of Ramadan series and programs; as the series, ‘Muhammad Ali Roud,’ committed a religious and historical error when an actress uttered: “Oh, Youssef exit from the belly of the whale,” reports Al-Seyassah daily.

Actually, it was Prophet Yunus (Jonah) who was in the whale’s belly. It is one of the stories in the Qur’an which is more popular among the youths, than the adults.

Kuwait TV took the initiative to apologize for the unintended error and then referred the matter to the Investigation Committee.

Following the new scene in ‘Muhammad Ali Roud’, the series ‘Raha Al-Ayyam’ opened the door to a new crisis through the conversation between two children who expressed their desire to work in the future. One of them said he wants to be a singer on the ship known as ‘Al-Naham’. When he grew up, he adopted the name of the ‘Al-Naham’ family, which provoked the ire of the family.

In a statement, the family asserted: “This is offensive to the well-known Al-Naham family, whose men at the time were ship captains. These men were among those who defended the soil of the homeland and presented martyrs during the era mentioned in books which documented the history of Kuwait.”

Criticisms on Kuwait TV did not stop with the two series, as a religious program was also condemned. MP Saleh Ashour called on the Ministry of Information to “respect the beliefs and doctrines of all citizens; otherwise, Kuwait will be an arena of religious and sectarian conflicts, vulnerable to attacks by external media.”

In the same context, MP Khaled Al-Shatti asked the minister of information about the religious program whose content has been deemed offensive to the Shi’a belief and a challenge to the personality of Abi Talib. He said “these programs rub wounds, instigate disputes, and undermine Islamic and national unity.”