THE King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa delivered an improvised speech to the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Critics praised the speech for its clarity, directness, and transparency. It was addressed to the global community from the heart of Kremlin regarding its responsibility to uphold justice and humanitarian principles.

Through this brief speech, the head of the current Arab Summit emerged as an advocate of humanity first, transcending his role as an advocate solely for the Arabs. This was why his words gained global attention within the decision- making circles. Particularly noteworthy is Bahrain’s initiative for an international peace conference, which was initially agreed upon by Arab consensus, and is now echoing as a global imperative rather than solely an Arab one.
The events that unfolded in the region over recent years, notably in Gaza over the past eight months, has put the region and the world in the hands of a demon. This is undoubtedly the direct outcome of King Hamad bin Isa’s steadfast pursuit of balanced policies at various levels - Bahraini, Gulf, Arab and international - spanning over a quarter of a century. They endowed Bahrain with many cards that enable it to exercise a diplomatic role based on mutual respect for other countries and unwavering resilience against any threats to its stability. That is why the presence of Manama in those years among the decision-making capitals was remarkable. Its kings realized that tolerance is the basis of relations between nations and fostering global peace begins with embracing openness to people and resolving conflicts.
They know that global stability cannot be achieved without peace in the Middle East. From this perspective, the first visit following the conclusion of the Arab Summit was to Russia. This decision was motivated by Moscow’s significance in Arab affairs as well as its status as one of the major global powers. During this meeting, the Bahraini King very openly explained what the Arabs had agreed upon during their summit. This was what led the decision-making circles, not only in Russia, to receive his speech with great attention.
In the realm of international media, the sensitive Arab issues championed by Manama are currently overshadowing other issues. This necessitates everyone to be vigilant in scrutinizing every statement and action from the leadership of the Arab Summit, particularly concerning pressing humanitarian crises like Gaza and other pertinent Arab issues in a region that is brimming with turmoil.
King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa is known for his frankness. He does not shy away from doors, because he relies on his skill - a large wealth of knowledge on various matters, and deep cultural understanding. Over the past years, he has worked with great effort to develop this elegant, peaceful and tolerant kingdom, and also restore its role in the world. Back to his speech, there is no doubt that the Russian delegation, led by President Putin, felt as if the king was reading from a memorized book, or rather weaving royal material for an Arab dress characterized with frankness.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
[email protected]