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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE civilized spirit of Kuwait, which refuses seclusion, manifested itself the day before yesterday — expressing the culture of commitment based on its social conviction and reassurance that some social pressure forces and political factions attempted to bury under tons of retarded and dubious slogans. These pressure forces strived to spread grimness among the people and darkness in society, as if Kuwait is a society of bats, not a society of system with a social history known for its openness throughout the past centuries.

The inauguration of Sheikh Jaber International Sports Stadium was not just the beginning of a sports milestone, as it also signaled the start of the path towards creating genuine Kuwaiti jubilation. People were side by side ‘inhaling’ the air of emancipation from restrictions which were imposed under duress during the dark moments of this country’s history.

On the day before yesterday, the social segregation “laws” fell apart, as there was a mixture of clean hearts that did not fear each other and the jubilation spurred by the blood of national identity in their veins. This national identity became a target with the intention to bury it in order to achieve the objectives of forces which live to spoil the other, to trap the soul of the other, and to tie it with the belt of stringency that petrifies everything in life.

In this celebration, Kuwait also said its word through its royal determination. Every fierce war waged against this masterpiece was from some personalities who want to monopolize sports achievements and drive Kuwaitis into despair over their nation.

However, the doors opened up due to the strong will to end the battle through the event which continues to cement the will to work and exit from the cocoon of misery. This will never be achieved unless the sports file, which has been left pending throughout the past decades, is cleaned up.

The thirst for joy and jubilation was evident on the faces of the huge crowd which exceeded the 60,000 capacity of the stadium. This is in addition to the overwhelming bliss that flooded the social communication websites of our GCC compatriots who celebrated the joy of Kuwait whose esteem is embedded in their souls.

The entire nation participated in the celebration that will be recorded in our history; and perhaps, in the same line with our national ceremonies, as one of the major achievements of the political leadership which believes in the ability of Kuwait to move forward steadily.

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah was keen on gracing the event with his presence and to follow it up until the end. He told one of those around him, “I did not imagine that the stadium is this huge. I feel I am really in Kuwait.”

Everyone was astonished by the level of the organization of the event and the response of the huge crowd. Everyone imbibed the creative energy of Kuwait that is able to pull out miracles in a suitable work environment.

Today, Kuwaitis are waiting, after the opening of the Sheikh Jaber Stadium, for efforts to free the Kuwaiti sports from its captors and emancipate the country from the international trap set in this field.

Kuwaitis are waiting to see the zeal of work being poured in every development sphere for Kuwait to regain its real identity not only as the pearl of the Gulf, but also as the Arab oasis of civilization as it had been all through the past decades.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times