Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

I DID not wish to be a national of a country other than Kuwait, as I felt when I saw the vast difference between the British Government’s strict handling of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and the relaxed attitude of the Government of Kuwait with our ISIS.

There has been uproar over the diplomatic crisis between the British and Canadian governments, when the British authorities issued a decision to revoke the British citizenship from an ISIS fighter named Jack Letts, (Jack Abraham Letts is a British-born Muslim convert, formerly of dual British-Canadian nationality, who is alleged to be a member of ISIL. He was given the nickname Jihadi Jack by the British media) who declared himself an enemy of Britain after traveling from Oxfordshire to Syria to join the terrorist organization ISIS.

But after the fall of ISIS, thankfully, he was captured by the Kurdish forces. Jack begged to allow him to return to the UK, vowing that he had no intention to kill the British. However, he lost his British nationality but maintained the other nationality – the Canadian nationality – thus the government is solely now responsible for this murderer, a decision that angered Ottawa officials a few days ago, and raised fears of a row between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his British counterpart Boris Johnson when they meet next week at the G7 summit in France.

The decision of the British authorities in spite of its political implications impressed me, and I wished that our wise government had acted like it with the Kuwaiti members of ISIS whose names are well-known and who shout slogans and ‘carry’ DAESH banners publicly without fear of being held accountable or punished.

We have seen the ugly face of one of them who boasted to the demagogic masses how he slaughtered a Syrian master with his children followed by shouts of admiration from onlookers and then he returned to teach in the unnecessary college (Sharia College) and appeared in the social media and promoted his extreme evil thoughts.

We were all shocked when one of the government officials whose appearance was more DAESH-like told us that the body to which he belongs has put an end to the advice sessions to Kuwaiti DAESH and is considering issuing a decision to send them to perform Hajj at the expense of the organization to which he belongs.

Is there a bigger farce than that? From their appearance the government very well knows that they are the Kuwaiti DAESH and holders of dual nationality and yet the government does nothing in spite of the fact that holding dual nationality is forbidden by the Kuwait Nationality Law.

One of the big sisterly countries had declared in the 1990s that more than one hundred thousand Kuwaitis live in that country (Saudi Arabia), so one may wonder, “How many are they now?”

They enjoy all the advantages enjoyed by a citizen including cash although they live outside the homeland. We see them only during the election season to vote for the disastrous deputies to represent us in the National Assembly. It is no secret that the country is plagued by such representatives. Why the government is lenient and not revoking their nationalities ... We know why.

On this occasion I wish to be British, if I were not Kuwaiti.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil