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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IN THE past two decades, we have been hearing many names for Iran’s missiles – from ‘Zilzal’, ‘Sijeel’ to ‘Shihab’ and its types. Revolutionary Guard officials said all these missiles are aimed at Israel, bragging about their capability to hit any target in Israel or anywhere in the region.

In the words of Iranian leaders, Israel is not the target but the Arab region and neighboring countries. These people recently put on their ballistic missile the phrase, “For destroying Israel.” They are the same people who said that their Lebanese foster child — Hezbollah Group — has 100,000 missiles targeting the Zionist enemy as well.

A few weeks ago, Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel by saying it will suffer an enormous human loss of about 100,000 in addition to what he said about possessing a nuclear bomb. Apparently, these are very nice words but if you look at the practices of Iran and its gangs in the region, you will realize such words are ‘coded’ messages for Iran’s in-laws in Israel meant only for its Arab neighbors to hear, especially when one knows about the Iran-Contra affair and other scandals on clandestine relations.

Instead of bombarding Israel with ‘Zilzal’ missiles, Iran bombarded it with peanuts as a lucrative business between the two countries, as well as provided equipment and eased procedures for Jews to travel to Iran.

Concerning the terrorist group ‘Hezbollah’, here it is dispatching destructive cells to Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia rather than fighting the Zionist enemy. Its forces continue to fight against the people of Syria, support the Houthi gangs and commit massacres in Iraq.

All these atrocities do not lead anyone who follows the group to Israel. On the contrary, it is widening the distance from Iran and Syria, while drawing borders with the blood of Arabs and Muslims.

Does the road to Jerusalem go through Riyadh, Manama, Kuwait, Sanaa, Damascus and Baghdad? What is the motive behind this Magellan’s trip? Isn’t Israel on the border of Syria and South Lebanon? Instead of missiles with 2,000-kilometer range being launched from Tehran to Tel Aviv to destroy the latter while reaping Syrian souls and destroying their properties, why doesn’t the Revolutionary Guard launch all its artilleries and missiles in Syria through the Golan Heights to liberate Palestine?

The Persian regime’s mentality is suffering from the complexity of practicing heroism and sending threats to its Arab neighbors under the pretext of sending them to Israel, or rather, this regime is suffering from ‘geo-squinted eyes’. Therefore, it is necessary to treat Mullah’s eyes for them to know where Israel is so they can directly go there.

The days of playing with deception tunes are long gone. We figured out long time ago that in the Israel-Iran relations, the episodes of supporting the Palestinian cause were not enough to hide it. We dropped the curtains on it a long time ago and we opted to directly confront Iran’s regime.

So if Iran’s regime is really supporting the Palestinian cause, it is not necessary to showcase its weapons and missiles in order to use them once, whereas it instructs its foster child in Lebanon to launch hundred thousand missiles in every part of Israel. Simple calculations show that those hundred thousand missiles can completely ruin Israel if everyone hits the wall. Even Nasrallah can prove he possesses ‘nuclear bomb’ by destroying ammonium tanks in Haifa.

It is time for the Mullah regime, together with its gangs in the region, to realize that this awkward game of theirs is played upon some naïve Arabs who suffer from short sightedness and live an imaginary life.

With regards to the majority of Arabs, they are fully aware that the words of the Mullahs, which appear to target their Israeli in-laws, will never shake a single hair of neighbors who have determined their issue and depended on themselves to confront everything plotted against them.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times