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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
THE nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers is not different from the Treaty of Versailles signed in 1919. This treaty did not last for more than 20 years before Germany managed to revive itself after the Nazis took over power in the 1930s.They remilitarized the society and rebooted their industries after which they announced their Nazi expansionism scheme. It is clear today that the nuclear deal is a rehabilitation Trojan Horse for the Mullah regime that will enable them to re-enter the international community without getting rid of their nuclear project.The revelations made by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu based on the top secret documents that Israeli intelligence agency “Mossad” claimed to have obtained pertaining to Iran’s military nuclear project called “Emad” have put this issue to a real test.This was followed by America’s newly-confirmed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is former head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), admitting that “Those documents are correct”, which means Iran’s elusive demeanor will be ended. We wish the Gulf countries — Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or Bahrain — were first in obtaining such top-secret documents and presenting them to the world, as these countries are the ones facing the actual threat of Iran’s nuclear military project.However, we, at the same time, should not downplay this latest development. We should work with the United States of America not only for reviewing and amending the nuclear deal, but also for placing Iran’s regime in the circle of international isolation so that it will let go of all its destructive schemes entirely.This is the reality which should manifest itself clearly in the minds of international politicians during any negotiations with Iran. Its elusive tactic, which continued for 12 years prior to the negotiations on the nuclear deal, disqualifies it as a trustworthy entity.It is difficult to perceive that the inspection tours of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would deter Iran from continuing with its pursuit for uranium enrichment for military use, especially when it is working on expanding its influence in the Arab world with the use of direct military force.At the same time, it has been supporting sectarian and secessionist militias in several countries, as it continues to improve its military status in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen for forming a clipper against Arab countries, especially the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).There is no doubt that any tremor in these Gulf countries will negatively affect the world economy. I don’t think that the world, with the current economic crisis, is in need of tremors. In history, there are realistic stories concerning international trusteeships which had happy endings.For instance, after the World War II, Germany’s military power was limited but it transformed itself to become an economic power within a few years, and managed to clear all the destruction that its infrastructure sustained.The same happened to Japan which sustained the worst nuclear disaster in human history. It was forced to abandon its military scheme by the power of trusteeship. Without any doubt, the regime of Iran still depends on its expansionism scheme in the region, and lives under conditions similar to that of Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. It will never be deterred by the deal with the six major countries from continuing with its scheme.The regime in Iran is attempting to exit from its local predicament by exporting its crises outside. Therefore, the only remaining option under this atmosphere is war. If it manages to succeed in obtaining military nuclear power, it will be transformed into a bigger savage than the Nazis. In coming few days, the US President Donald Trump will announce his stance in this deal about which the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had lamented in his alleged revelation.This move will definitely push the concerned countries to review the deal. This means Iran will only have two options — either face the international community with more isolation, or follow the path of Germany and Japan after the World War II but without the war. Nonetheless, the region will benefit from both cases — either in peace or war — due to the fact that it will enable this region and the world to uproot a scary tumor that has existed for the past 39 years. By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times[email protected]