Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

ISLAMOPHOBIA has pervaded the entire world because the Americans and some Arab countries, along with the so-called Islamic movements, used Islam and its principles to fight against the atheistic Soviet Union in Afghanistan. However, magic backfired on the magician as those ‘brought up’ by American, Gulf and Islamic subsidies and aid like al-Qaeda, have re-directed their enmity towards the atheist Soviet Union to the ‘unbelievers’ among Christians. Al-Qaeda attacked the head of atheism, as per its creed, during the Manhattan raid. Accordingly, the issue has expanded to reach DAESH and al-Nusrah. Here, we should not forget the head of the serpent, epitomized in the Brotherhood Movement whose creeds are regarded as the ‘fuel’ of all apostates and movements which deviated from the right path of Islam!

Thus, terrorism which has been ‘attached’ to Islam pervaded Arab countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia and others. Terrorism then moved to European countries like France, Denmark and Germany; making Islam intrinsically pivotal in certain incidents and talks, in addition to being pushed towards political bids. This is what we heard from US presidential elections candidate Donald Trump recently when he launched offensive statements against Islam and Muslims, drawing various reactions in and outside America.

All these incidents pushed Islam into political and even social façades all over the world. The recent news published in London about a Nigerian doctor, identified as Hanifa Adam, who created the ‘Hijarbie’ page on Instagram. The term is derived from the word, ‘Hijab’, and the famous doll Barbie who changed her short pants and sexy dresses with colored head covers, loose gowns and fashionable decent clothes in line with the customs of Muslim women all over the world!

So far, the ‘Hijarbie’ page has about 20,700 followers whose reactions astonished Dr Hanifa. According to her, she received requests from all over the world to buy the Islamic doll ‘Hijarbie’. Hanifa, who recently obtained a master’s degree in Pharmacology in Britain, said the increasing demand for ‘Hijarbie’ is attributed to the fact that it is a decent doll which can set an example for Muslim girls in terms of the way of dressing and they can communicate with her.

Nevertheless, Hanifa also received negative reactions and comments regarding the Islamic doll, particularly from persons who believe that women who wear ‘Hijab’ are oppressed because many of them are forced to wear the head cover (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper, Feb 11, 2016).

As we congratulate Muslim women, who wear ‘Hijab’, on the influence of their decent dress in the doll industry; we would like to tell them the truth that they are neither the reason nor the source of such influence. We tell them that those who made this possible are al-Qaeda, DAESH, Brotherhood Movement and Jihadi Salafism that the Islam of tolerance and intimacy disowns. These movements, along with their malpractices and the crimes they committed all over the world, are afflictions from Allah.

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By Ali Ahmed Al-BaghliFormer Minister of Oil