Health Ministry’s Decision to Rehire 120 Bedoun Employees

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First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled

KUWAIT CITY, Sept 27: The Acting Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled, has issued directives to the Ministry of Health to re-hire 120 ‘Bedoun’ employees whose contracts the Ministry had earlier decided to terminate, reports Al-Seyassah daily

The contracts were reportedly terminated based on the conditions set by the Central Agency for the Affairs of Illegal Residents (Bedoun) regarding renewing security cards.

The sources told the daily, Al-Khaled’s decision comes based on the fact that Kuwait is a center for humanitarian work, in addition to the ministry’s need for these employees who have no other job or place to work.

According to the directive, 120 bedoun employees are expected to return to work in the Health Ministry.

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