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MYSTIFICATION has been a consistent Iranian policy since 1979. It is aimed at provoking unrest in the environment of the region, distracting the Iranian people from economic and living dilemmas, and finding a way for justifying the suppression of any opposition to the Mullahs regime, while it seeks to form a camp of supportive groups and toy on sectarian tendencies to enhance its influence.

The Iranian gamble in the Afghan file, and the direct support of the Taliban movement in recent years did not come as a surprise.

In all this chaos, Israel was the only one aware from the beginning of the Iranian threat to the Middle East as a whole. Its rejection of any US-Iranian negotiations came on the grounds that this would enhance the role of the rogue regime in the region, and also impede any just settlement of the outstanding issues between Tel Aviv and the Palestinians.

The Iranian intelligence has been able to split the Palestinian ranks by helping the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movements to break the national consensus and turn Gaza into a source of threat to regional peace and security, like Lebanon.

It is known to all that the Mullahs regime has, since the beginning of the Vienna negotiations, been threatening the marine navigation security in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf by attacking merchant ships. The Gulf states, which are directly concerned with the matter, were content with condemnation, and betting on an international move that is currently incoherent with the exception of convictions that Tehran gives no attention to.

This fact calls for effective regional action, especially since the bet on the current US administration is no different from that of the Obama administration, which had disappointed through its support for the nuclear agreement that restored some strength to the Tehran regime, until the Trump administration came and returned the beast into the bottle. However, it seems that President Joe Biden is seeking to strengthen his party’s electoral position by choosing to resurrect the dead.

In this regard, there is a golden opportunity - the messages of some Central Asian countries to the Taliban and their warning against crossing the red lines, through the huge military maneuvers that took place last week among Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan near the border with Afghanistan.

These countries will not allow any disruption to their security. It is also an indirect warning to Tehran about the dire consequences of its continued support for the Taliban, and that Afghanistan is not Iraq or Lebanon where it is allowed a margin of freedom of movement.

This warning, in addition to the strict Israeli position to confront the speckled snake, is a golden opportunity to form a regional front between Tel Aviv and the Gulf capitals affected by Tehran’s practices, and not to impede the normalization train at all the stations of the Gulf Cooperation Council, as well as to work with the new ally to cut off the head of this snake, which will continue spitting its venom in the region in the absence of an international front to confront it.

Based on this fact, the normalization of ties by some Gulf countries was a wise step, which is what the rest of the countries should do based on the principle of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The American bet at the moment is to keep that snake alive as a source of blackmail for most of the Middle East countries that paid the heavy prices as a result of the short-sighted policy of the White House, which allows Tehran to continue destabilizing peace and security in the region.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times