KUWAIT CITY, May 25: A specialist in employment affairs Bassam Al- Shammari demanded that this platform include the violating domestic workers, and give them another opportunity to work in the country. He said the number of these workers is in thousands, adding, “Giving some of them a new opportunity to work will contribute effectively to filling the shortage experienced by this sector currently.”
Our call to include domestic workers on the platform must be carried out in accordance with the specific controls and requirements, and with prior coordination between the Department of Domestic Labor in the Public Authority for Manpower, and the Immigration Authority at the Ministry of Interior, in order to ensure the inclusion of those who deserve to be given another opportunity to work, especially since many of these workers have endured enormous pressures due to the COVID-19 crisis and the repercussions that accompanied it.”
Al-Shammari stressed the need to avoid linking the inclusion of violating workers to the platform or linking it to the existence of a registered absconding report against them, especially with the difficulty of ascertaining the maliciousness or entitlement of the report. He highlighted the importance of this step, as it will not only reduce the numbers of marginal workers in the country, but also fill the shortage experienced in most productive sectors, especially herding, agriculture and industry among others.