
Al-Ajmi touched on serious matters, and clarified that restoring citizenship is a sovereign right of the authority, not of the judiciary. At that time, he opposed presenting the issue of withdrawn nationalities to the judiciary, but rather saw that the only way forward for him was to return to leadership. This is what happened and thus citizenship was returned, through the committee of which he was a member, to the majority of those from whom it was withdrawn!
He also explained that the issue of forging nationalities is true and old, and that the number of counterfeiters is very large, but not in the hundreds of thousands, and that they discovered in the committee the presence of an officer from ‘Saddam’s Fedayeen’ who holds Kuwaiti citizenship!
He added that counterfeiting had many methods, its market was known, and its brokers were also known to those who wished to buy or sell Kuwaiti citizenship, and the prices were also known.
He also explained that some types of forgery are planned early, and the process continues for 18 years. It begins with the “dishonest citizen” bringing a forged birth certificate for a son born abroad, registering it in his file, and immediately receiving a child allowance amounting to 600 dinars annually, or 9,000 dinar over 18 years. Then he sells the fake birth certificate to whoever wants to bear his name and become his son, and obtain a civil and nationality card for him, in exchange for a sum of money as well!
Some people would also not report the death of a family member, if it occurred abroad, and would offer the deceased’s nationality for sale. Then he and the forger would submit to the authorities a request to issue a “replacement for the lost” nationality, and provide them with a photo of the forger, in exchange for a sum of money, or due to poor verification. Or because of the family or tribe name, attention is overlooked, and the citizenship is issued with a photo of the person who bought the citizenship, and other fraudulent methods!
What greatly facilitated the manipulation of nationality was the backwardness of the government preservation and archive system, whether in the administration of birth certificates, or in the administration of Kuwaiti passports and nationality. Those with weak and despicable souls in such places also played a dangerous role in facilitating the forgery process, and the motive was often financial, in addition to tribal, sectarian, or family reasons!
Although Mr. Al-Ajmi is aware of the judiciary’s position on the issue of revoking the citizenship of a counterfeiter, he, citing someone I trust, did not hesitate recently to demand that the prosecution be stopped and that the cases of counterfeiters be brought before the judiciary!
The issue of forgery and dual nationality is a serious matter, and must not be tolerated, with the need to continue pursuing this issue. The more those violating the decision to reveal cases of forgery scream, the more it confirms that the number is huge and has big heads!
Yesterday, a citizen, wanted by justice, was arrested. It was later revealed that he was the Syrian identified as ‘A.A.’, whose father had previously purchased Kuwaiti citizenship for him when he was young. Then the forger joined a security agency and worked there for 25 years, until he retired, at the age of over fifty!
A question for former representatives, including brother Haif: What is the public interest in refusing to reveal these dangerous forgers and saboteurs?!
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By Ahmad alsarraf