Fraud Cases Surface in Kuwait: Kuwaitis Seek Legal Action

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KUWAIT CITY, May 26:  A female citizen lodged a complaint at the Abdullah and Ali Sabah Al-Salem Port police station, alleging fraud by another woman. She claimed to have entered a financial arrangement in July 2022, where she was supposed to receive 1,600 dinars. Despite her attempts to resolve the matter, she did not receive the agreed-upon amount, despite providing evidence of monthly payments to the defendant. When the due date passed without payment, she ceased further payments. Upon investigation, the defendant denied any wrongdoing, asserting that she had returned the payments made for the unfulfilled agreement.

Meanwhile, another citizen reported to a Jahra police station that an expatriate, employed at a grocery store, defrauded him. They had agreed on restoration work, with the plaintiff providing a deposit of 1,200 dinars. However, the defendant failed to fulfill the agreement or return the deposit, prompting the registration of a case.

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