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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 21: The main shortfall of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is that the international declaration focuses on providing safe and organized migration within the purview of international laws.This idea came from the ambassadors of Mexico and Switzerland. It seems the initiative was presented due to several countries’ refusal to sign the convention on protecting the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families.It tackles issues related to organizing migration movement around the world, especially after the recent incidents around the world which prompted a lot of people to leave their countries to seek asylum or simply migrate.This initiative will be declared in an international conference scheduled for December. Representatives of governments will attend the international conference to declare the initiative.However, it has been noticeable that the declaration takes one step against human rights and differentiates between legal and illegal migrants which could lead to discrimination.It also allows separation of children from their families among the illegal migrants. These children are taken away from their families and I do not consider this a humanitarian act. It affirms the sovereignty of each country; thereby, allowing them to enforce national laws instead of the international laws.It may not seem a big issue but when it comes to application; countries might resort to arbitrary ways, up to the extent of violating human rights to maintain national security.Email: [email protected]By Atyab Alshatti, Esq