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MANY consider the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh a remote and strange area although it is adjacent to the airport. Many do not know its exact location, and do not think about visiting even if an international exhibition of watermelons is held there. This occurs in a country where the area allocated for urban housing does not exceed 500 square meters.Last Friday, I went to Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, which is not more than 15 minutes away from my residence, upon the invitation of St Gregory School of India to deliver a speech on the occasion of the harvest festival.I then toured the area and was really saddened by its condition. I discovered that it is ideal for many construction companies and engineering offices to amass wealth by manipulating the execution of State projects. It is far from the eye and the heart. Almost none of the citizens or officials care about its miserable situation, unlike the Interior Ministry which launches security raids and campaigns from time to time.The few media, sharp tongues and newspaper writers who specialize in directing the correct and false criticism of the government are indifferent to their development. They pay attention to the miserable condition of the area although it is already a ‘negative model’ for studying the structural, architectural and environmental situation in the country. This is after the change brought about by the distribution of wealth from the residential area of a certain class of citizens to a commercial and investment area with high-rise buildings adjacent to each other while it lacks all the requirements for the security and safety of parking and others.It has changed and turned into a housing area for large and poor communities. Consequently, it went outside the interests of elite groups and senior officials, far from the critical eyes. All this provided the environment or cocoon suitable for destruction, illicit activities and corruption.From my quick examination of the situation, I can say to a great extent that it does not have one building which meets the conditions of environment, fire, electricity and proper building systems.  All of its buildings are concrete blocks and even its streets are sources of huge wealth for road companies.Here, I do not mean to focus on the situation in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh as I rather intend to present an example of many areas with a similar bad situation, so the effects of the recent rain disaster were more severe.It is needless to say the one who pushed the situation to be so bad is the citizen who owns the real estate along with the citizen in charge of the municipality, environment, fire, transportation, electricity and other government departments. The application to meet the requirements of all these parties increases the cost of construction, which means it is impossible to rent apartments with a reasonable return. Therefore, the honest citizen has to put pressure on the government to exempt him from the difficult building requirements and the responsible official approves the citizen’s request either under parliamentary pressure or through bribery and gifts.This is true and it applies to some employees in these supervisory bodies. There are honorable people in the municipality, fire, environment and electricity. I deal with them constantly and they are examples of honesty and creativity, but political intervention, accompanied by government silence at various levels, corrupted the conscience of [email protected]