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Before I delve into the subject of this article, I would like to affirm with confidence that we need an institute, college or something similar for the students of Islamic law provided the graduates of these institutes or schools work in the field they specialize in and not take up posts that have nothing to do with Sharia and its branches.

If we consider the current situation, which is widely prevalent, we will find that not even one percent of those who completed their studies in such institutes and colleges, and branches affiliated to the Faculty of Legal Studies have without good reason did not take up jobs in the field of their studies but used their religious certificates and political interventions, of course, to hold prestigious positions, often non-religious, and have taken up jobs in the Ministry of Interior as investigators or practice law in the Ministry of Justice.

We are fully aware that the subjects in the Sharia are easier compared to studying legal disciplines, for example. Despite the religious nature of the faculties of Sharia, it is known that there is a fierce political confl ict within the faculty among various religious parties, especially the Salafist and the Brotherhood, to win the administrative and teaching positions, and control the hearts and minds of students and the future of these parties.

It is also known that the graduates of this faculty achieve annually excellent grades among the graduates of the university, and are honored by some higher authorities, and the reasons for this are known and often due to the simplicity of the curriculum, and clear cooperation between the teachers who are politicized religiously and the more politicized students, in addition to the simplicity of examinations.

The danger is that the involvement of professors in politics and polarizations has had a great impact on the students by dividing them into religious and partisan bodies, and what is more dangerous is that this type of study distances most of the students from the national spirit and weakens their belonging to homeland.

It is strange that the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies on a yearly basis produces female graduates in big numbers, who outnumber the males in obtaining excellent grades, perhaps due to their greater ability to memorize. I do not really know why a small country like Kuwait needs hundreds of female Sharia graduates, unless there is another indication of the credibility of what we have said above.

Also, a considerable number of students are getting PhD scholarships through the family and partisan pressures. This is really strange; a doctorate degree usually requires coming with a new idea and writing about it. I do not really know what new things are in religion.

Many facts have been proven that the greater the number of members of any party or political organization in the college is, the greater the number of them able to complete their higher studies, increase their chances of entering the political arena, and then run for parliamentary elections, and the examples before us are endless.

The call for the establishment of an independent Sharia university is futile, and it would be better to return it to what it once was, part of the Faculty of Law and to monitor its output more rigorously, so that the unprecedented number of its graduates on the list of extremists is enough.

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf
e-mail: [email protected]