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Dr-Khaled-AljenfawiAccording to the British newspaper the Telegraph “Freelance journalist, Fayçal Cheffou, was arrested on Thursday and according to Belgian reports is the third airport bombing suspect. His charge comes as it emerged as security guard at a Belgian nuclear facility was killed”(March 26, 2016).

The terrorist attacks on Brussels airport and on the train leaving from Maalbeek station reveal how brutal the terrorists can become in killing innocent people. ISIS and its criminal sympathizers will continue to target European countries unless a stronger European security integration is put in place. In fact, ISIS and its affiliated terrorists would stop at nothing to harm Western countries and they might be currently planning to build and use radioactive dirty bombs against civilian population.

It would be difficult however to prevent any future terrorist attacks unless European governments start to remove their velvet gloves of liberalism and indulgent democracy and initiate an effective policy of prevention. Muslim extremists are already present in many European countries and it does not require sophisticated thinking to link some of them to any future threat to the security of Europe.

In fact, I wonder sometimes why many European governments continue to apply the standard of human rights principles on suspected terrorists. For example, if an individual refuses to abide by the unwritten rules of civil behavior in Western societies and insist on separating themselves from the main Western culture while continuing to grow very long beards, and insist on preaching hatred against European culture and democracy in the middle of European cities and towns, why not then gag, arrest and prosecute these harbingers of Evil! One can understand that European and Western governments continue to abide by international laws of human rights.

However, it is anachronistic to continue using twenty-first Western and democratic mentality in trying to understand medieval terrorist thinking. Moreover, how can a government not prosecute any individual who continue to preach hate speech against Christianity and Western culture in fundamentally Christian societies and Western countries?! In other words, it is illogical to continue to allow few Muslim extremists to preach hatred against non-Muslims in the heart of non-Muslim Europe.

Furthermore, it is difficult not to expect such anti- Christian, Anti-Semitic and Anti-Western bigots to follow their hate speech with evil actions. Western liberal attitudes, civil behaviors and the maintaining of civil conduct are only appropriate for liberal individuals, civilized citizens and those who adhere heart and soul to Western civic ethics.

However, allowing some extremists too much freedom to preach hatred against the very country that allowed such freedoms to exist remains unfathomable, at least to me! As a Muslim individual, I condemn every violent act committed in the name of my faith.

However, I continue to recognize the fact that few of my “fellow Muslims” do actually harbor so much hatred against anything non-Muslim. It is impossible to inject tolerance into historically intolerant minds and it is impossible to talk democracy and human rights with apocalyptic minds already programed to destroy the West. I stand by my European and Western brothers and sisters in their darkest hour and sympathize wholeheartedly with the victims of terror.

By Khaled Aljenfawi@aljenfawi1969