Enrollment ‘temporary halted’ of Kuwaitis pursuing medical studies in Jordan, Egypt

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 25: Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Dr Adel Al-Manea issued Ministerial Resolution number 412 on the temporary suspension of the enrollment of Kuwaitis pursuing medical studies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Arab Republic of Egypt, reports Al-Anba daily.

Article One: Temporary suspension of the enrollment of Kuwaitis studying medical disciplines (Human Medicine, Dentistry, Doctor of Pharmacy, and Pharmacy) in Jordanian universities mentioned in Ministerial Resolution number 150/2022 and the Egyptian universities mentioned in Ministerial Resolution number 151/2022.

Article Two: New students, who are studying at their own expense and were admitted to various medical courses, are allowed to enroll in the abovementioned universities in the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024 within the scholarship plan and in accordance with the regulations and subsequent ministerial decisions.

Article Three: It is permitted to include all students (freshmen and continuing) studying at their own expense in medical specializations in accredited universities in Jordan and Egypt if they fulfill the admission conditions not later than the end of the academic year 2023/2024.

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