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THE end of authoritarianism is a historical inevitability that cannot be prevented by the reliance of the tyrants on the strength of their control over their people through oppression. No matter how long it takes, there will come a day when the bridle of arrogance will collapse and the flood of popular anger will drown them in tragic ends.

This fact applies to the Mullahs regime, which uses repression and terror as a means to prolong its control over the people. However, just as the revolution in the late 18th century served as the deluge that ended French tyranny after long suffering, the same will certainly apply to the Mullahs.

In this regard, one can refer to what was narrated about Napoleon Bonaparte, who was deceived by strength, when one of his advisers told him, “You have to beware of people’s anger, as 90 percent of the people are against you”. Bonaparte’s response was, “I am not afraid ... it suffices that ten percent of these people are with me, and they are the soldiers who carry arms. These are the source of strength, while the rest possesses nothing but emotions, and emotions do not kill a person”.

Since 1979, the Mullahs regime, as a way of hallowing its rule, merged the religious cloak with suppression as a means to quell any opposition. While there is a small political system that controls military force, security services and the courts through which it exercises its arrogance, at the same time it fears about 80 million Iranians.

Therefore, the Mullahs preoccupy the Iranians with stories related to cosmic conspiracy against their country.

In addition to misinformation, it practices systematic terrorism directly or through agents abroad, suggesting that this is self-defense, and therefore any resistance to it is treachery. It works to apply the law in a theatrical manner to carry out random executions, reclaiming the method of the Iraqi Mahdawi Court, which was used by Abdul-Karim Qasim, to humiliate opposition, torture and execute them even on suspicion.

The Mullahs regime has taken this path since Khomeini took power in 1979, when he adopted execution as a means of terrorizing his people. He had ordered the execution of about 88,000 dissidents within a year, seeking to instill fear in the hearts of Iranians.

Despite the cruelty of this, the open opposition to the repressive practices continued. This almost toppled the regime, which deliberately stirred up national fervor by igniting the war with Iraq, portraying it as a holy war and a divine order. This regime invented the so-called “keys to heaven” to lure young people to go to the front-lines.

This matter did not stop at Iran, as the countries controlled by its militias endure the same repressive approach, although by more hideous methods such as assassinations and extra-judicial killings carried out by its gangs in Iraq against any voice that speaks out against Iranian hegemony.

This is also the case in Lebanon, where Hezbollah is exercising killings and systematic starvation against the people, seeking to impose its hegemony on the state.

As for Yemen, the matter is more clear, as the Houthi gang is killing everyone who opposes it or rejects its religious approach in public. At the same time, it tightens the screws on the citizens, who are taking them as hostage in an attempt to establish itself as a de facto power, but it has failed in gaining popular support since 2011.

This gang has resorted to a new way of stealing humanitarian aid. In an attempt to distract the Yemenis from their daily issues, it has deliberately ignited war on the rest of the forces opposing it, in addition to attacking Yemen’s neighbors through its terrorist operations against the innocent and armed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In other words, this gang is killing the Yemenis twice - once by starving them, and the other by bombing them.

Due to the fact that the end of tyranny is always ugly, there is no doubt that the end of the Tehran regime’s tyranny will not differ from the fate of Napoleon, who died in exile on St. Helena island about 2,000 kilometres from his country, as well as the end of Hitler and Mussolini.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times