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Ahmed Al-Jarallah

WE are just a few days away from the parliamentary elections and its outcome. Regardless of which candidate emerges victorious, they must understand that engaging with the current leadership differs from past experiences.

This leadership, at both senior and executive levels, operates differently from the leadership of yesterday. It does not include in its dictionary overstepping of one authority over another, paid for interpellations, tribal, sectarian, or personal interests.

Based on what is known from the lofty speeches of His Highness the Amir, it laid out the broad outlines that should be in the mind of every parliamentarian, minister, and any official in any position.

From this standpoint, the new or re-elected parliamentarians must realize that times have changed. The games that prevailed over the past years led to the decline of the country at all levels, paralyzed the economy, corrupted institutions, and destroyed administration, and had a negative impact on society over the course of 30 years.

The courts are filled with lawsuits filed against corrupt people who either plundered public money, carried out parachute appointments, interfered in the administration outside the legal and constitutional text, tampered with national identity, and falsified nationalities. They must also consider the reasons for dissolving the previous National Assembly, and understand the many warnings that His Highness the Amir gave in his previous speeches.

They should not deal with matters according to the principle of “everything is up for grabs”, which almost destroyed the country. These warnings were appreciated by the Kuwaiti people, and has been their stance, with the exception of some profiteers who spread corruption on earth. There is no doubt that these people will go out of their way, and will work to incite every strife that serves their interests. The rest of the people must be on the lookout for them.

Therefore, the leadership wants a different approach to the legislative wing of the state. They want the cooperation between the two authorities to be based on achieving the country’s interests through a clear path, and not based on the private interests of either the parliamentarians or their electoral keys, or the ministers who fear for their positions.

In this regard, he will be “a sharp razor on all heads”, which means he will not allow any attempt to continue the sabotage that has prevailed over the past three decades, for which the Kuwaiti people paid a very heavy price and still continues to suffer from its consequences. It had reached such an extent that the most popular question was - Where is the strong hand that can stop this devastation?

Nonetheless, the senior leadership believes that cooperation between the two authorities - the legislative and the executive - must be characterized by what benefits public affairs and meets national ambitions, instead of the madhouse and tribal and sectarian slogans that ruled the past period to the extent that police stations almost turned into sundries and farms for a tribe or a sect or an influential person, and public administrations were merely a track recorder for the transactions of parliamentarians and other corrupt individuals.

Therefore, everyone must realize that the new path of the current leadership is firm enough for a bitter treatment, even if it ends with cauterization.

This is because getting out of the impasse that the country inherited from the era of chaos over the past decades now requires the exercise of firmness. The nation representatives must work in accordance with the country’s national interests; otherwise the “divorce” this time will be irrevocable. We do not believe that any rational person wants that.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times