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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

PRESIDENT Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s visit to Washington has major significance, especially after Egypt redeemed itself from the bottleneck it was pushed into in the midst of events in 2011 and 2013; in addition to attempts by international terrorism to make its land a breeding ground, destabilize its economy and hamper its development.

Egypt surpassed all of that as a result of its people standing with President el-Sisi on one hand; and on the other hand, the Egyptians’ confidence in their country and their ability to overcome tribulations.

This visit would not have been successful if Egypt is still suffering from the ‘Arab Spring’ ramifications. It would not have happened at all if relations between Cairo and Washington are like the way they were during the reign of Gamal Abdul-Nasser.

This would not have been the case in the early years of the reign of Anwar Saddat and the tension which reigned during that period, as well as the confusion which dominated just after the signing of Camp David Agreement.

This would not have been the case during the reign of Hosni Mubarak that lingered between tension and timidity, up to what transpired during the reign of Barack Obama and his choice to stand with the ‘Brotherhood’ instead of supporting the stability of Egypt.

Egypt’s politics made major successful and stable strides in recent years – both internally and externally. With regard to fighting terrorism, its Armed Forces achieved a lot despite the difficulty at a certain point due to the magnitude of the challenge at hand, especially in areas that the terrorists transformed into their bases.

In relation to the economy, it is the first time in Egypt’s history to take an audacious decision. It was painful at some point. Instead of such measures becoming triggers of public anger, the Egyptians are standing with their president and welcoming his measures, particularly in terms of currency floatation and lifting subsides especially on fuel.

Egypt is back to its pioneering role in Arab and regional files. It returned to the Palestine issue, which is a major barrier on the path of regional stability. It is also back to its role as pacifier between Israel and Palestine; in addition to being the main player on issues concerning protection of Palestinian rights and its role in North Africa, specifically its tensed neighbor – Libya.

On combating terrorism globally and regionally, Egypt continues to be the linchpin in this long war; considering it was the first to suffer from the war while it spearheaded the move to stop the ‘Brotherhood’ destructive wave.

Moreover, the Americans have realized that el-Sisi is not benefiting from the position. He applies the law on everyone without discrimination, even the people in his household.

Therefore, they are currently in front of a person whose characteristics are built on the course of helping the Arab world get out of the tunnel of crises and conflicts. They are in front of the cosmos of development which everyone strives for as an active global force. Based on this, work and nation-building are the most effective means to eliminate extremism.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times