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WE hosted the Egyptian President Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, the man of Egypt and its people, who is always welcomed not only to Kuwait, but to the Arab world.

Since the Jamal Abdul-Nasser revolution in 1952, we have not seen such a huge consensus on a man in a well-established country like Egypt, as well as a Gulf and Arab consensus on a leadership that has distinguishably achieved a lot for its country and its Arab surroundings in the last few years.

Honorable President Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, the Egyptians rarely trusted a leader and a ruler like they do with you. They chose you as their guardian, and are proud of their choice, because they saw a man who dreamed, planned and translated all that into reality within a short period of time until Egypt became a pioneer of regional progress.

In political culture, there is a rule that circumstances and events determine a nation every hundred years, and someone rises up and restores its glory. You are the one who was driven by fate to the great Egypt, which proved itself in the past few years through a qualitative leap that it has not witnessed in nearly 70 years. This is recognized by all the Gulf, Arabs and foreigners who visited the land of Canaan in recent times.

Yes, Egypt has changed. Today it is fine and continues to progress. Its regional role has also grown. Let the Egyptian people thank God for this gift that has been bestowed upon them - the strong and capable leadership that transformed the entire Nile gift through a workshop on all levels such as development projects, human and urban advanced infrastructure, and security and stability.

This came after the state defeated terrorism whose demons sought to strike the backbone of the nation. The Egyptian armed forces were on the lookout for them, while working on protecting Arab national security. We still remember your constant pledge - “In case of danger, we will be on the side of the Arabian Gulf states, which is just a stone’s throw away”.

The June 30, 2013 Revolution, and what Egypt achieved through it, saved the Arab world from satanic parties and groups that killed people and sought to destroy all evidence of Arab and Islamic civilization. To this day, the tape of those events remains in our minds, as well as the way el-Sisi confronted it with resolve and determination.

His Excellency President Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, there is a lot of evidence of your achievements. You are truly the father of Egypt’s renaissance from its repression. Therefore, we are well aware that the future will be astonishing to the world.

Today we are witnessing the start of the 10,000-kilometer road project between Cairo and Cape Town in South Africa, as it will ensure a great return not only for Egypt, but for the whole continent. Also, it will generate for your country $31 billion annually, which is the fees for transporting goods between Europe, East Asia and Africa.

Your Excellency, you are indeed a gift to Egypt and to the Arab world ... and you are always welcomed.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times