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author name Arab Times
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Some parents seek to buy cheating gadgets for their children

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 8: In an indication of the increasing number of those looking for easy success and ease and unwillingness to make the required effort to acquire knowledge, the reports of the progress of the Grade 12 exams revealed that 834 students were deprived of answering the exams because of cheating in just two days, while the absence cases reached 3,907 in scientific, literary and religious education, reports Al-Qabas daily. The reports issued by the Central Control, of which the daily obtained a copy, shows that the most cases of deprivation due to deviating from the regulations and laws regulating the functioning of committees and the use of headphones to cheat during exams,

The science students accounted for 411 cases in two subjects with Mathematics accounting for 247 cases, followed by the Arabic language, 164. The reports showed on the first two days there were 408 cases of cheating among the students of the literary section, most of them taking the French language exam accounting for 217 cases, compared to 191 cases in the Arabic language, while 15 cases were recorded in religious education in the subjects of expression (8 cases) and interpretation (7 cases).

The sources warned that “electronic cheating” has become an annual phenomenon that is renewed with the approach of the general secondary exams in its first and second periods, as many students resort to small-sized headphones, which are placed inside the external ear canal, so that they can send and receive and answer queries. The sources blew a surprise by confirming that some parents themselves seek to buy cheating gadgets for their children, and even communicate with them during exams, and sometimes ask observers to allow them to commit this crime out of their desire to achieve high rates that enable them to enroll in top colleges. The headsets vary between a headset, a watch or a pen, and another that is glasses equipped with a headset and a camera, as well as an electronic payment card headset, which is the most widespread.

The daily which monitored some of the advertisements for the sale of headphones on various social media sites, especially Twitter and Instagram, said the price of the headphones ranges between 10 and 70 dinars, depending on the type. Despite the strict control measures taken by the Ministry of Education during the examination period, it has so far been unable to curb the spread of cheating headphones. All concerned parties, especially the Ministries of Commerce, Interior and Education, are ‘fighting a losing battle’ to confront this phenomenon.