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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

ISRAEL participates in many international organizations side by side the Arabs. All of them meet on the same platform and listen to each other’s speeches. Everything happens without launching any media campaign in this regard.

If that is the case, why did the commemorative photo of those who met recently in Warsaw cause uproar and controversies on Kuwait, considering nine other representatives from Arab countries participated in the meeting?

The Warsaw meeting was not about normalizing relations with Israel. Instead, it was aimed at highlighting the level of terror that Iran has afflicted the world with and the fact that some Arab media and political organizations are linked to the Mullah regime. These organizations operate based on the directives of the regime; hence, the campaign targeting Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Those protesting are actually the ones courting Israel – both publicly and secretly – through visitations, political solution projects and commercial exchange. They also strive to normalize relations in accordance with what the US has been dictating through its consecutive administrations.

In addition, the Arabs previously presented several peace deals but Israel rejected all of them. Historically, Kuwait has been abiding by official Arab positions against Israel. It has repeatedly announced that it will be the last country to normalize relations with Israel.

Kuwait has never established secret relations or an open commercial representative office. This raises the question: Why certain entities – foreign and local – decided to launch a media campaign against Kuwait’s participation in a meeting about security in the Middle East with representatives of 60 countries in attendance?

Everyone knows those behind this unjustified campaign. Most of them orbit the axis of ‘Brotherhood’, Hezbollah and Iran. Their objectives are known as well, especially this time when they are striving to spoil the foreign policy as part of the organized operation to weaken Kuwait.

We did not witness any of the electronic and political files aligned with Iran – whether openly or secretly – launching campaigns against other Arab countries which participated in the meeting or even against countries that have relations with Israel like Qatar.

In this case, the focus was on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The objective is to tarnish the positions of these two countries; so it is imperative to resolve this issue by rejecting any form of interference in local and foreign affairs, exactly the same way the Sultanate of Oman did.

In his humble response to such campaigns, Oman’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs Yousef bin Alawi affirmed that his country will not allow anyone to engage in any form of interference in its foreign policy.

Perhaps, everyone understands why Lebanon did not participate in the Warsaw meeting, considering its political decision is in the hands of Hezbollah. However, if the meeting was not related to Iran’s terrorism, we would have seen a Lebanese delegation in Warsaw or even in meetings behind the curtains with Israel. Hezbollah would not have uttered a single word about it.

Nonetheless, for this group to launch such a fierce campaign against Kuwait is a clear manifestation of the hidden agendas. Here is where the need to contemplate arises, in order to avoid rendering our foreign policies captive in the hands of political factions keen on fishing in troubled waters to arrogate everything in this country.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times