My position in the company is ‘mandup shoun w Jawaazat’. As mentioned on ‘Izan amal’. I want to renew my residence and I am told that this position no longer exists in the ministry and I will have to change the position. I want to know if my position is changed to secretary or ‘mandup mabiyat’ then my driving license will be cancelled or remain valid?? As I don’t have a bachelor’s degree. My driving licence was issued in 2002 (for mandup). I got it renewed once in 2012 and now the expiry date is 2022. Name withheld Answer: We are not aware of the cancellation of the position of mandoub as we still have employees performing the functions of mandoub. There could be a name change as intimated by you but the functions will no doubt remain the same. If you change your designation from ‘mandoub shoun wa Jawaazat’ (company representative) to ‘mandoub mabiyat’ (sales representative), we are afraid, your licence will be cancelled. Under current regulations a change in designation by mandoub, student, driver and housewife will automatically lead to cancellation of the driving licence acquired with these designations Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected] Repeated queries wont be entertained, kindly go through our archives.