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Congratulations on the success of your party, for the third time in the parliamentary elections, the largest in history, with over 640 million voters participating.

My relationship with India, its citizens, and culture dates back to my childhood days over 70 years ago, with my English language teacher “John,” extending to “Kumar,” the accountant in my father’s office, and becoming a part of my life thereafter.


During my work at the Gulf Bank six decades ago, I received much attention from my Indian colleagues. From them, I learned work ethics, acquired English proficiency, and learned tolerance and love, leading me to leave the job, migrate, and return to my homeland, collaborating with several Indians from diverse backgrounds to establish a successful trading company, which, thanks to them, became the largest in its field after 35 years.

Dear Sir, your first and second terms as Prime Minister were marked by economic miracles that rightfully positioned India where it belongs.

However, those achievements were marred by bleak periods we never wished to see in India, a country with a rich history of coexistence, tolerance, brotherhood, renunciation of violence, and advocacy for peace!

In recent years, the extremism of the Hindu majority has intensified, affecting various other friendly Indian communities.

I do not wish to assume that you sought to exploit religious sentiment to gain more popularity and subsequent votes, but undoubtedly, this factor has gained you significant political leverage, even if unintentionally.

However, you know well that these are short-term gains, which may result in dangerous repercussions in the future, exacerbating internal peace issues. The fragility between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority, now in a defensive position, may lead to massacres and further extremism, which you and the friendly Indian people can well do without.

The election results have demonstrated the majority’s rejection of the religious rigidity pursued by your party, which is an independent referendum in itself, a warning sign that extremism and minority hostility will not yield reassuring consequences, nor are they in the best interest of the great Indian nation.

A significant indicator is the recent significant drop in the Bombay Stock Exchange and the anticipated rise in unemployment and inflation rates.

In an article published recently in The New York Times, the author described the elections as “the greatest show on earth,” a diverse and democratic spectacle, especially considering it took place in a troubled region hostile to freedoms and democracy.

I am unsure how democracy could be unfit for Kuwait, as some claim, while being suitable and beautiful for a small country like Luxembourg, nestled in the heart of advanced and affluent Europe, with an area of 51 sq kilometers and a population of 140 thousand.

Similarly, it suits India, the country with the lowest per capita income, the largest area and population globally, and the most diverse country on earth, with its languages, religions, and cultures.

India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, with the largest Muslim population compared to any other country, where Christianity existed 2000 years ago, hosting the oldest Jewish temples.

The Dalai Lama resides there, and Zoroastrianism thrived in its plains from Persia. Armenians, Syrians, and others lived in its fields, and it was the world’s largest economy for 1500 years of the last millennium.

It elected three Muslim presidents, and a Sikh served as its Prime Minister. Its ruling party leader was an Italian Catholic woman, and Mrs. Gandhi was its Prime Minister, with a rocket scientist as its president.

Yet, democracy would not suit a country like Kuwait?! What happened in India, and before that in Luxembourg, and dozens of other countries, should inspire us to continue on our democratic path after amending the constitution… for the better.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmed alsarraf